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M/n POV:

i was walking back to the school so that I could ask Taichi about Ren I don't know what I'm going to ask but I know that I want answers to too many questions. I took a bit longer since I decided to just head back to my room after I got to the school. I didn't want to head back there yet since Shirbau would obviously be there.

It took about an hour but I still didn't think that it was enough, 'it's whatever I guess.' I shrugged walking into the school I headed back to my dorm which I don't really want to be at but it can't really be helped. when I unlocked the door and walked in Shirbua was sitting on his bed doing the classwork we were assigned. I walked over to the bathroom where I left my bag right outside the door, picking it up I walked over to my desk.

I sat down getting my work out and forcing myself to do it. it wasn't as hard as last time but still complicated. 'i should really start paying attention to class.' I mean I'm still in college prep classes so I should be good for a while even if I don't pay attention. I stayed up until about 8 just trying to finish, I eventually did but there were a lot of breaks. the fatigue caught up and I couldn't do anymore tonight, not that there was any more to do but still.

I didn't really get much sleep that night since when you break up with someone you probably should be sleeping in the same room as them. I got ready an hour before we usually do just so that I wouldn't have to see him until class, I also had nothing else to do and I didn't feel like laying down anymore. no one was awake yet so I didn't need to have any human interaction in the morning.

on a side note, Tendou has been getting better with Hisa not talking to him, he is back to his old self. the only time he visits the classroom is to annoy Shirbua and I but I have a feeling even that's going to stop. another side note is that I'm going to have to find another place to eat since I don't want to sit with the volleyball team with Shirabu there. even though it's only Tuesday I might go visit Koushi on the weekend instead of staying in a room with Shirabu.

I was just sitting in the courtyard as I feel that I'll be spending a bit of time here from now on, it was calming. maybe I'll just spend lunch behind the school or out here since they're both calming places. i was adding the finishing details on the picture I was currently working on while keeping an eye on the time so that I could find the right time to head to the classroom.

it was about 6:24 and I was super bored so I just started to go to the classroom since it's not like I have anything better to do. I walked into the classroom to find no one 'thank God I don't think I could handle a social interaction right now.' I walked over to my desk and sat down pulling out my phone to try and distract myself, I was texting my online friend since they really wanted an excuse to get their other friend to stop talking to them so it worked perfectly.

we met each other on a game a couple of years ago and have been talking ever since, trees something easy about talking to someone through a screen rather than talking face to face. also, he lives in Tokyo so there's really no way he'll ever meet the people I talked about, however, I do know that he plays volleyball and just doesn't want to practice right now.

I've met his friend who looks oddly like a rooster if I remember correctly, and he also sucks at aging but we're not going to talk about that right now since he's kinda sensitive losing to me and Kenma (his my online friend) all the time. this ended in him getting his phone taken away so I couldn't talk to him for a bit or until Kuroo gave him his phone back. when I looked up there were some people in the room but only the usual Mei came up and sat down in front of me on the desk, "Why the desk?"

"Why not the desk?"

"You make a fair point."

"I always do." we started talking about something but we were laughing a bit since turns out Mei is a really funny person and we both have no sense of humor. I didn't even notice Shirabu walk in, so we continued our conversation about apparently the conversation stayed even farther and went into how the Mona Lisa doesn't have eyebrows. Mei got a little too into the conversation and fell backward off the desk. she hit the chair behind her before landing on the ground.

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