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Shirabu's POV:

I woke up in the morning nothing new what was new was when I got up I saw M/n hovering an empty water bottle above my head. that's when it hit me 'this motherfucker dumped water on me.' I shot up and just got out of bed not wanting to argue with him this morning. "Aww sorry must've slipped." I heard him start laughing from behind me as I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom slamming the door behind me. after I changed I went and changed my bedsheets that were covered in water, got ready, and left for morning practice.

I walked into the gym to see that no one was practicing but Ushijima who was serving to no one. I walked into the locker room swinging open the door everyone looked at me. I didn't even care to apologize to them, why should I. I just opened a door people shouldn't have to apologize for that. everyone was still changing so I knew I wasn't that late since they usually get to practice when I'm already done changing.

"Your late today, did something happen with Sugawara-kun." I really didn't want to deal with Semi or Tendou for that matter but why'd Semi ask about him, I mean he doesn't even really know him. "Nothing happened just woke up late." it was a lot colder than my usual answers but I really did not want to deal with anyone today.

"If you say so." he turned around and continued changing. I kept thinking 'why didn't I wake up to my alarm. I'm sure I set it to the same time as the day before, so why didn't it go off.' i just couldn't get the question out of my head. I changed quickly way more quickly than I usually do, slammed my locker, and left the room to practice some serves and hopefully get my anger out that way; or else I'm going to slam my head into a wall.

"Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with Shirabu?"

"Like I know Tendou."

"You might've been on to something though Semi, something could've happened with Sugawara."

M/n POV:

I woke up to see a sleeping Shirabu I checked the time and saw it was earlier than when his alarm went off. 'this is for a good cause.' i walked over to his phone and turned off his alarm so it would wake him up and I knew that alone would piss him off, possibly. I then went and grabbed a water bottle, twisted the cap off, and walked over towards his bed. he was facing the ceiling which makes this even better, 'payback bitch' and then I flipped the bottle over pouring water all over him. his eyes shot open and he saw me holding a bottle in front of him. he slapped the bottle away and grabbed a change of clothes. "Aww must've slipped." I started laughing lightly but I knew it was loud enough for him to hear.

"jeez what the hell got into him, oh wait I dumped water on him." I changed since I had already showered before dumping water on him, grabbed my bag, and left. I put my headphones on and went to class since it was around 6:37 at this point and I wanted to work on some sketches. I got to class and walked over to the window where I could perfectly see the side yard of the school where the gyms are. I saw an angry Shirabu storming into the gym, I grabbed my phone and took a picture. it was pretty good so I decided to draw it since why the hell not.

As I was working on the gym doors I heard someone walking up to me since the music wasn't too loud I could still hear everything around me. I turned my attention from my sketch pad and saw Chinami walking toward where I was seated on the windowsill. I took my headphones off when she looked like she was about to talk "You never do stop drawing do you?" I looked confused and I think she saw that.

"it's just that Daisuke-senpai said you always draw in middle school. even right after you got in trouble for doing it in class, you still just kept drawing."

"He really told you that, it's so embarrassing."

"Not really I find it and of funny." she started laughing quietly not wanting to draw too much attention.

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