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M/n POV:

"So are you two dating?"

I froze thinking of the options I had on this situation, 'one I could either tell him the truth and risk a break up again, two I could bend the truth a bit and possibly save myself from this, or three I could just lie.' I decided to go with one because I like being rude to people, so I could use this to my advantage. "Yes, and what are you going to do about it?"

"I could just break you guys up again, it's really easy."

"YOu are willing to risk your face, just to make my life miserable for a couple of weeks?"

"Oh c'mon you've latched on, I know first hand that when you latch to someone or something then you are rarely letting it go until you find something or someone else to latch onto."

"But that didn't answer the question."

"Yes, I am."

"So does that mean, we are going to be stuck in an endless loop?"

"What the fuck are you talking about now?"

"Well, per se you do manage to get Shirabu to break up with me again- unlikely -but if you did then I'll just get him to realize he still has feelings for me. we both know I can tell when someone is being serious so that'll be easy, then get back with him... like I did this time." adding a little gasp for dramatic effect I walked over to my desk getting out my computer, and going on it to check discord because Kenma does something on it every single day.

Ren was just getting increasingly mad at me, and I wanted to see how much weight I can put on that string before it snaps. that however is a problem for another day, so I just minded my own business for once and started doing something on my computer, like editing and talking to Kenma. so I did that all night completely forgetting about sleep, like a reasonable human being.

I only realized what time it was when the sun blinded me for a second, I saved my work turning off my computer and grabbing my things to get ready before school. I did everything I usually did in the morning, I got my bag ready and walked out of the door taking a copy of my room key that I took from Tendou. I locked the door after making sure not to wake up Ren because I don't care if he's late or not if I'm being completely honest.

when I locked my door Taichi and Shirabu were walking down the hall towards me, "You know you owe me for dragging you to that party, if I didn't you and Shirabu wouldn't have gotten back together."

"Fuck off Taichi." I flipped him off walking down the hall a bit faster leaving them to catch up to me. I met with Mei at the stairs as she was waiting for me.

"Hey Kawanishi, Shirabu." they acknowledged her and we all started down the stairs to the second-year level. Taichi and Shirabu continued to the first-year level as they had morning practice so they had to go to the gym. "You think Shirabu will survive practice today?"

"What the hell do you mean Mei."

"I'm just saying if you two fu-"

"Could you like not."

"So you did. then he definitely will not to he will have barely survived." I sighed walking ahead of her "I'm just saying- hey!" she ran and caught up with me "I'm pretty sure you gave him at least one Hickey, and Tendou is obviously going to point it out and then the team is going to make fun of him, and so on."

we continued down the hall Mei talking about some random thing while I was just listening since she was rambling and talking pretty fast. we got to my classroom where we are every day before school starts I was wondering about something so I asked Mei "Hey Mei what's your sexuality?"

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