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M/n POV:

I focused on the lesson while trying not to give in to what Chinami wants. I was not going to look at her no matter what, just keep your eyes in front of the teacher and you'll be fine. whatever you do, don't look at her. "Ms. Chinami, is there something bothering you?"

"Yes, I can't seem to focus with Sugawara sitting next to me."

"Mrs. Endo, I could move back to my old seat, I'm sure Chinami would be able to focus that way."

"That's a perfect idea, Mr. Sugawara, you may switch back to your old seat." I gathered everything on my desk and walked going to take a seat next to Shirabu. I smiled as I sat down and so did he. we were listening to the lesson but I kept sneaking glances at Shirabu.

when I looked at him one time I saw him looking at me as well, we both flushed red as we turned our gazes back to our books. when the lunch bell rang we went to go get lunch. we were talking and surprisingly getting along this time. after we go tour trays of food we split up and I walked to the corner of the cafeteria where my friends were going. I dropped my tray on the table and sat down beside Ryoma and Kenzo, "So what's our game plan?" I was looking at Hisa since she knew what I was talking about.

"What do you mean "game plan" and what's happening?" Kenzo was a bit confused by this sudden question but Hisa and I were deadly serious and the others could sense it, putting them on edge because it isn't like us.

"I'll text you when to meet up, when I send the signal get to the front gates I'll be waiting for you."

They all looked at us like we were planning a murder, it did sound that way, didn't it. "Alright before you guys kill someone, you have to tell us what's going on?" HIsa and I turned to Ryoma and then back to each other repeating the action and answering Ryoma.

"We are going to be crashing Shirabu's date tomorrow."

"Um... why?"

"Because Kenzo M/n is in love with Shirabu and he's going on a date with Chinami tomorrow so it is our job as his friends to crash said date, and ruin Chinami's chance with Shirabu."

"I'm in." the destructive gays are going to be ruining this date for sure.

"Ok so Kenzo is helping Hisa and I," we all looked at Ryoma and Asami "So... you guys helping us?"

Ryoma and Asami shook their heads "I think we should leave this to the prominent gays, ya' know." we all agreed that Hisa, Kenzo, and I would be taking care of Shirabu's date. when the bell rang Hisa and I went to class.

"It's weird not being the first ones in class."

"Yeah, we got to go to our seats, see you after class." I waved as we walked to our seats, I sat by Shirabu and flipped him off for no reason.

"Why'd you do that?" he was smiling a bit but I could tell he was curious. i covered my mouth with my hand to suppress my laughs.

"It was an impulse. i had to." we both laughed quietly unnoticeable to the teacher, but I felt eyes staring into the side of my head. i looked to see where I was coming from and saw Chianmi staring daggers at me, so I stuck my tongue out at her. she huffed and turned back to the lesson.

after class Chinami came up to my desk and set her hands down in front of me, I looked up to see her scowling at me I didn't flinch "What do you need Chinami?"

"I need to talk to you.... alone." I got up and nodded walking out of the classroom with her. she led me through the hall until we got to the back of the school, where no one really is. she turned to me "Didn't i tell you to stay away from Shirabu?"

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