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Shirabu POV:

i woke up when I heard my alarm going off, when I opened my eyes i was surprised to find I was in M/n's bed... that is until I remembered what happened last night. I blushed at the memory and tried to get up when I sat up I felt a pair of arms around my waist so I moved them off finally being able to fully sit up, I felt some pain in my lower back but didn't think anything of it.

i tried to stand up, it was a bit wobbly but nothing I couldn't handle. when I tried to walk I fell on the ground waking M/n up who started laughing. 'what a fucking bitch.' I glared up at him "What are you laughing at? it's your fault I can barely walk."

"I guess you're skipping practice today, or are you going to try and run?" he was laughing a bit while saying that.

M/n POV:

I got out of bed and help Shirabu to his feet he fell into me and cling onto my shirt for some support since he had trouble standing. we got dressed and he could kinda walk now but he has quite a limp. we were talking to class after getting everything we needed, Shirabu had decided to not try to run since he can't really walk so running is out of the question.

when we walked into the class Hisa and Chinami were there. Hisa was talking to Kenzo at my desk which is new, to say the least. Shirabu and I were walking to the back of the class where our seats are when he tripped and fell. it wasn't too surprising, because of last night's 'activities' I helped him up and he continued to his seat limping.

I looked at Chinami with an 'i won' look before turning and heading to my seat. when I sat down Kenzo looked at me while Hisa was holding in laughter, she probably knew what happened but whatever.

"hey, M/n looks like you aren't the only single one in the group anymore." this made Hisa start laughing as she couldn't hold it in anymore, Shirabu had a very visible blush on his face while I looked up at Kenzo who is sitting on my desk.

"Looks like it."

Hiss's laughter died down as she collected herself then she realized what Kenzo and I were talking about "Who said i wasn't single?!"

"You're whole being right now."

Kenzo nodded his head in agreement then spoke "And yesterday."

"What happened yesterday?!" Hisa was very confused since she didn't think anyone saw her and Asami in the club room.

"You'll find out later." she looked at me basically begging me to tell her, she was silently pleading for Kenzo and I to explain when Chinami came up to all of us.

"Shirabu are you ok you looked like you were limping earlier."

"I'm fine."

Hisa and i looked at each other annoyed since she seems to ruin everything when it starts to get fun, we also didn't want any social interaction with her right now that would just ruin to rest of the day. Kenzo being the bold person he is looked Chinami dead in the eyes and said "Yeah he said he's fine, so get lost bitch."

Hisa and I looked amused at the scene and Shirabu was also interested we all traded glances while Chinami opened her mouth to start arguing "And who the hell do you think you are?"

Kenzo with a smile and the most polite tone ever replied "Yuuma Kenzo from class 2-1"

Chinami looked Kenzo up and down but before she could say anything i said "Why are you looking at him like that? I thought you only had eyes for Shirabu?" i knew Shirabu was dense as fuck and didn't pick up on any hints Chinami dropped "oops, well it's not like you would get him anyway. sorry to inform you sweetie but you lost."

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