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This does have some abuse so I'll add "." when it start and ends if you want to skip it.

~Timeskip to Friday at lunch~

M/n POV:

Shirabu was helping me with math during lunch since I wasn't going to do it at any other time, I was tapping my pencil in the rhythm of a song I listened to the other night trying to study. "could you like stop, if you keep distracting yourself you are never going to get this."

"But it's too difficult."

"It wouldn't be if you listened."

I groaned letting my head fall on my math textbook when my phone rang with a notification. I was confused since I didn't talk to anyone outside of my school very much, I looked at it slamming my head back on my book. "Fuck." I picked my head up enough to look at my screen typing something, before sighing.

"WHats wrong with you?"

"I have to go."

"What do you mean"go"?"

"My father is outside...right now. and I choose to live so I need to go." I closed my book placing my things in my bag and walking out of the room clearly nervous. Shirabu followed me being the concerned boyfriend he was. When I walked out of the doors to the school I felt the need to be a little bitch "And i thought you were trapped in the house." adding my annoying little gasp to the end when I saw my dad.

"Were leaving."

"If you haven't noticed, unlike you I am busy trying to get an education so I must be going back."

"That wasn't up for debate."


Shirbau walked out of the school to the courtyard where I turned around "M/n?"

"It's fine I have to go for a bit."

"You still need help with your math though?" I walked towards him "If that's your dad you are not going with him."

"It's fine I can handle myself, I'll be back by the end of the day." I gave him a quick kiss which my dad grabbed my wrist pulling me away from "Yeah, yeah I'm coming you homophobic jackass." he dragged me down the road and I get Shirabu one last smile that was more reassuring me that I would be alright more than him.

when we got to the house I was pushed in "You think that just because you think you're gay, you can go around being a little f** and kissing guys."

"He's not just someone random guy, that's my boyfriend you dick."

"He's unnatural that's what he is."

"You know what fuck you, you can not talk about Kenjirou like that."


my dad pushed me against the wall walking to the kitchen "I can do whatever the hell I want to." I thought he was going to grab a beer but he walked out with a fucking knife. I froze with fear since no matter how bad our fights got he never pulled a knife on me "Still wanna talk big you little bitch."

he lunged at me with the knife which I dogged, I dropped my bag but he managed a little cut on my face, I pushed his hand with the knife away again when he came at me partnered along with me delivering a hit to his head. he dropped the knife and it slid across the floor to the back of the kitchen. i went towards it "Get back here you shit."

"come get me then."

"don't talk like that to your father."

"How about you shut the fuck up Mariane." my dad grabbed my leg making me fall he quickly went and got the knife coming back over to me as I was still on the ground in pain for him grabbing my ankle really hard. I stabbed downward with the knife I moved just enough to get out of the way but he still made a huge cut in my arm. "Fuck! I must be getting slower."

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