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I sat down next to him, sighed, and put my hand to my chest, the truth is I don't do well with crowds or attention. it has been like that since I was little I hated people noticing me, I was always that kid in the back of the class who never spoke or raised his hand. the point was to go unnoticed and it worked a bit too well, now I can't stand being the center of attention.

I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing, Shirabu sat up and I only knew this because he sat beside me and laid his head on my shoulder. this claimed me and my breathing became normal 'why does he have this effect on me?' we stayed there in silence for a moment since it was conformable and neither of us wanted to ruin that. I opened my eyes and looked at the setter next to me I mumbled "Thank you." and rested my head on top of his.

"For what?" I stiffing a bit in surprise I think it's safe to say I didn't expect him to hear that.

i smiled even though he couldn't see it "Just for being here." he did something that I wouldn't expect a salty person like him to do, he reached over to my lap where my hands were resting my knees and he slipped them into his.

he held onto them for a bit until we heard a voice "OoOoOoO what's going on here~" we both jumped away from each other startled and looked up at Tendou and Semi who had just rounded the corner.

"N-nothing." 'you fucking idiot why'd you stutter.' I felt my face heating up a bit but tried to ignore it and at best push it away.

Semi looked at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow "Your stutter says otherwise." I huffed garbing my stuff off the ground standing up and straightening my uniform before walking off. "Better go calm your boyfriend down Shirabitch."

then they walked away.

Shirabu POV:

Semi and Tendou walked back to the lunchroom and I sighed getting up and grabbing my stuff. i also straightened my uniform before heading off to find M/n. I walked down the hall peering into classrooms as I walked hoping to find him in one, i decided that if i didn't find him in our class then I would start checking other places.

I reached class 2-4 and looked into the room... no one I sighed and went to go check the bathroom 'maybe he's hanging out in the bathroom? I mean girls do it so why can't guys?' I thought as I started on my way to the male restrooms. when i got to the bathroom I didn't see anyone right away. i paused the stall doors checking if they were all open when I got to the middle one I pushed on it but it didn't open.

I knocked on the door hearing someone reply "Occupied." I knew that voice, it was M/n.

"Are you actually using the bathroom or are you trying to hide from Semi and Tendou?"

"The latter, it's none of your business so leave."

"Just open the door."

"No, and you can't make me."

"No i can't but I can just wait out here for you, class is going to start soon so you should probably just come out already."

i heard a click from the door in front of me when it opened i saw M/n standing there with a bored expression, 'his resting bitch face is actually pretty cute.' I mentally shook the thought from my mind. I looked at him before saying "Has anyone ever told you that you have a cute resting bitch face?" i stepped a bit closer.

I saw him get flustered at my comment, clearly not expecting it he replied but it only came out as stutters "I- wha- huh- what did you- the fuck?"

i chuckled at his reaction and grabbed my bag that i had set on the ground holding a hand out to him "We should really get to class." he took my hand and we started down the halls, I knew we were going to get weird looks if we were just holding hands so i started running, while still having his hand in mine.

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