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Shirabu POV:

I woke up to my alarm like usual. i rolled over to face M/n's bed and saw him sleeping while facing my bed, 'He's cute when he's sleeping.' I shook off the thought and got ready for school since it was Friday. after I took a shower and was getting dressed when I heard a knock on the door. "ARE YOU STILL DOING YOUR HAIR? HURRY IT UP BEYONCÉ!" I was kinda pissed at the new nickname, 'why does he always have to call me female celebrities.

I opened the door glaring straight at M/n since we were about the same height it made this easier to do "Can you not wait for me to get dressed, you can see it later if you want but damn."

He raised an eyebrow at me and smiled his stupidly beautiful smile "So you want me to see you without clothes on? pretty bold Kenjiro." I flushed when he said to like that and turned my head away from him in an attempt to hide the blush creeping on my face.

"N-no don't take it out of context you dick."

he walked past me in the bathroom but before he closed the door he turned to me, I turned around to face him for what he was about to say "I know you want to see it but damn that was a creative way to ask." he closed the door in my face.

I kicked the door "NOT WHAT I WAS SAYING YOU FUCKER!" I laughed and walked away back to my desk where some stray books were. i still had time before practice since I took a pretty quick shower compared to the usual ones. i looked over some of my homework, from the night before.

M/n walked out of the bathroom with damp hair and a towel around his neck 'he looks so hot right now.' I could feel the heat rushing to my face. "Kenjiro you alright," he started smiling and I knew what he was going to say next. he walked closer to me, and since I was seated in my chair he walked over and rested one of his hands by my head.

he leaned down closing the gap most of the way, and whispered against my lips "You're looking a little red there Kenji." I was taken aback by the nickname and he could clearly see that. "Hope you don't mind me calling you that? I kinda like it."

"I-I don't mind."

"Great. cause I wouldn't have stopped calling you that anyway." he pushed himself up by his hand pushing me into my desk. i turned around collecting myself I closed everything and put it in my bag getting ready to leave for practice. "Bye see you after school." I waved from over my shoulder and walked out.

M/n POV:

He waved from over his shoulder shutting the door headed to what I assume was practice. I checked over my homework and decided to get to class a little earlier than normal. when I walked into the classroom I saw Hisa sitting in my seat waiting for me. I went to put my bag in my chair which Hisa was sitting on and I sat down in front of her on the desk.

"Hey bestie~"

I was super confused about her happy attitude considering the events of yesterday. "are you feeling alright." I pressed the back of my hand to her forehead checking if she had a fever.

"I'm fine, I just got over Chinami, not fully but I'm doing better." she slid down in the chair a little and pouted. i was laughing at her childish behavior 'She really is just like Tooru.' I pulled out my phone and took a picture of her.

"Hey why'd you take my picture, I looked so bad. if you're going to do that you should at least get a good one." she got up and walked to the window posing, I laughed and took photos of her since what kind of friend would i be to leave her hanging like that without any pictures.

we had our mini photoshoot and went to sit down at my seat. showing her the pictures i took. "Send those to me, they're so good. maybe you should join me in the photography club?"

"Nah, i couldn't leave Kenzo and Ryoma alone like that." we both started laughing until we heard the door open we started what we were doing going quiet when we looked at the door. both of our faces with a bored expression on them as we see a matchstick walking toward us.

"Tendou-senpai shouldn't you be at practice?"

"Loosen up a bit Suga-chan~" he took a seat beside me and Hisa who was sitting on my desk before continuing "We got out of practice early, and I needed to ask about what I saw last night."

"Ooooooo what happened last night~" I looked at her like 'not you too'

"Well Sugawara's friend, I saw an int-" I cut him off by covering his mouth with my hands.

"Don't finish that sentence. i know what you were going to ask and i don't know where we stand after that ok?"

"Damn M/n get it i guess." Tendou started laughing at Hisa and what she said. after they got to know each other and became quick friends. Shirbau walked in after a couple of minutes followed by Chinami who was talking got him. I could tell he wasn't enjoying talking to her.

I did what any normal person would do and walked up to him starting a conversation which he happily took part in. i was walking with him towards his desk in the back of the room, we were laughing at literally nothing, i was just asking him about how bored he looked talking to Chinami.

he sat down in his seat while I sat cross-legged on his desk talking to him. yo could practically see stars in our eyes and I noticed but chose not to say anything. 'Now to find a way to crash his date tomorrow.' I smiled at him when the bell rang and went back to my seat, I saw Chinami glaring at me but I paid no attention to it and listened to the teacher.

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