4- now you know

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'Great the one thing I didn't want to do.'


I covered my face with my hands trying to hide my embarrassment from Hisa, I finally looked over at her still with that smirk she had on before I replied "Yeah."

"Well, now we can be gay together." since we didn't want anyone to hear our conversation she whispered. it was great to know that even if other people hate me once they learn that I'm gay Hisa won't. then the bell rang again signaling the end of the day as that was the last subject. Hisa and I get all of our things together and walk to the door so we could leave the classroom. once we got out I saw Ryoma standing there with Momoka, "hey Hisa ready to go."

"yeah let's go Tamashini." and with that Momoka and Natsuki walked away to wherever they were going. "Follow me ill show you where the art room is."

"I thought following you would imply showing me where the art room is?" I said catching up with him.

"I saw you looking at Kenzo, do you like him."

"Yeah. he seems like he'd be a good friend."

"I mean like more than a friend. like in a romantic way."

"Oh no, I don't."

"Then why were you blushing."

"Ok don't judge me but when he laughed I thought of someone else and was wondering how his laugh would sound. I don't like Yuuma-kun like that."


"What do you mean "good" Satoshi-kun."

"Can you stop with the honorifics we're your friends you don't have to add honorifics to the end of our names." he turned around looking at me while he was talking.

"Ok ill stop."

"This is the art room." he walked into the room we were in front of as I followed him in. we were greeted by who I assumed to the club administrator and president. Ryoma and I walked over to a table where Kenzo was sitting and sat down next to him. "Welcome, I'm the club's vice president Chinami, Riko it's nice to see everyone. We'll just be doing some introductions and then you'll have to get into a group of 3-4 people for the project we'll be doing."

while everyone was introducing themselves and getting acquainted Yuuma looks at me and Ryoma and asks "Hey why don't we group up for the project."

"well duh I thought that was already implied." we all started laughing and talking about what the project could be since it's the first day and all. Chinami comes up to the table and asks us our names "I'm Yuuma, Kenzo I was here last year."

"I was also here last year, I'm Satoshi, Ryoma."

"Well, it's nice to see you guys again." Chinami says while sitting down across from me. "I don't think I've seen you here before, your name's Sugawara, M/n right?"

"Yeah. nice to officially meet you Chinami-San." I saw while spanking a hand that she extended to me.

"You too. well I'll be going now I have others to talk to." after we all said bye Ryoma and Kenzo both stare at me wide-eyed. "dude how do you know her." Kenzo asks and all I can do is laugh at their reactions.

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