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~Skip to Saturday when it's almost nighttime~

M/n POV:

Mei came by and took my room key waiting in my room for some reason. The door opened a bit after that and Taichi came in a dragged me out of the room walking down the hall. "The others are already waiting for us."

"Um ok, but why do you have to drag me."

"Just in case." I was still asking questions when we got to Tendouos car, Taichi had answered none of them.

he opened the back door pushing me in, "What the actual fuck, does this count as a kidnapping?" Taichi got In quickly after I did and Tendou locked the doors I looked to the other side of me and saw Shirabu. "Taichi..."


"I am going to kill you,"

"Can you kill him out of my car, I don't want his blood on my seats."

"But have you had my blood on your seats before?"

"That was different, you already had an existing injury."

"Also the only reason he's allowed to drive to this place is if no one gets hurt."

"Semisemi you don't have to tell them that."

"So what you're saying is, hurt someone after we get there."

we continued this argument and Shirabu even joined in, I don't think it was a good idea to put Semi, Tendou, Taichi, Shirbau, and I in a car together for about an hour. when we got there and Tenodu unlocked his doors, Taichi climbed out and ran into the house we were at. I climbed out the open car door closing it and running after the Ginger-haired male while Tendou went to go park.

I spent an hour playing a game of extreme cat and mouse with Taichi until I gave up because he always managed to get away, I mean how can he hide so easily he's 6'2 it should be easy to find him. I was just walking around not really doing anything since I didn't know a lot of the people here, that is until I was pulled away from a crowd by someone. "So why are you here?"

"Ah, Koushi what a wonderful surprise. was not expecting to see you here."

"Same goes for me, I thought you didn't like these kinds of things?"

"Well I don't, but I was dragged here by a couple of people." I managed to slip away when he wasn't paying attention to me because I am not sticking around to get lectured by my brother about being reckless and running away from the people I came here with. I was in the lounging area when things started getting too overwhelming, I went upstairs and found a way to get onto the roof where I thought no one would be.

when I got there I saw a certain teen with blonde hair, I walked over and took a seat next to him on the slightly slanted roof. "Trying to get away from everyone else too Kyou?"

"Can you not call me that stupid nickname."

"Better than Mad Dog."

"I guess, why are you here?"

"I was forced against my will basically, you?"

I leaned back on the top of the house looking at the sky above me, "Yahaba forced me to come, I don't even know why."

"He probably likes you. by the way how are things going with your teen romance?"

"I don't even know if he's you know?" Kyoutnai did the hand motion, (If you know what I'm talking about then you are 😌👌)

"He definitely is, just go for it that's what I did with Shirabu."

"And how'd that turn out?"

"Ok now your just making fun of me aren't you?"

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