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M/n POV:

"What's happening here?" Daisuke walked up to Chinami and I.

"Nothing." I looked down at Chinami, "Let go."

"you shouldn't be rude to your girlfriend ya' know."

Daisuke looked shocked "I'll keep that in mind when I get a girlfriend."

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Nope." I walked away from Chinami going to my seat while Daisuke was just trying to process what happened. Kenzo and Ryoma soon walked in and Daisuke went to go talk to them, while my drawing focus was disrupted by none other then Chinami. "If you dont want ahne to find out you have to actually act like I'm your girlfriend."

she sat down beside me and sine i was drawing Shirabu and didn't want her to see I closed my sketch book and stuffed it in my bag, "So this is now blackmail." I gasped dramatically "Do... do you actually like me." I gasped again while she looked very very unamused.

"No and even if I did it didn't work out so well last time so why try again."

"because you never seem to give up." she glared at me and I just returned the favor until Kenzo and Ryoma walked up and the rest of the clubmembers entered the room.

"I'll be sitting with you guys today is that alright."

"Not like we really have a choice." it sometimes baffles me how Kenzo and I act the same. but he was right we really didn't have a choice. Chinami was clinging to me like the whole time, 'she's like Misa from death note, wait that would make me light. I really do hate their relationship.'

I really wanted to continue my drawing but if I open my sketchbook Chinami would see and I really dont want her to see. i just sat there with no emotion but on the inside I was freakign out about this, I don't want it to be like this everyday for God knows how long, oh God and if she tries to really sell it by kissing me... I think I might actually just rather die.

i was so lost in thought I didn't even realize that the bell rang until I felt Chinami release my arm, I'm ging to have to shower when I get back because... i don't like her touching me, she just... I don't like it. i dont care is members of the female gender are to touch me, hence why I have no problem with Hisa dn Asami but I dont want that member of the female gender to touch me. and by that part I mean Chinami Tora, I don't know what it is I just do not like her.

all of us had finished packing up our stuff and were walking, when CHinami had this bright idea to hold my fucking hand. I had no emotion so you could kinda tell I didn't want this, but not really since it didn't looked forced I guess. Hisa was trying to ignore Chinami and I which I really didn't want to happen since I needed Hisa to save me.

when we were near the stairs I saw the volleyball team, some of them didn't hear what I said at lunch so they were confused as fuck. i looked at Shirabu for help but he just held back his laugh and walked up the stairs. "Looks like you made someone mad."

I glared at the tall ass fire hydrant behind me "Shut the fuck up, now I have to go do damage control." I ripped my hand away from Chinami and went up the stairs. "Shirabu" I whined dragging out his name like a child.

"Let's go." I nodded and we started walking to our room, people didn't give us weird looks since they probably thought I was dating Chinami, I did however here some rude comments of people talking about Oikawa's comment, ya' know the one that said I was gay and all. i unlocked the door since Tendou stole Shirabu's key for whatever reason I really do not want to know.

when we walked in Shirabu closed and locked the door, "Why the hell did you lock it, you know that people are still going to come in. I'm pretty sure everyone on your team has a key at this point."

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