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M/n POV:

once the bell rang a swarm of students left the classroom it was clear that minutes before our classroom was overfilled with students. Shirabu came into the class and everyone looked at him, most of them strangely with an expression I could quite catch, I looked at him with a soft expression and he walked over sitting down in his chair.

he sat down with people staring at the both of us some with a look of disgust because they were homophobes (Honestly the worst kind of people in my opinion) some with curious looks. "What the fuck are you guys looking at."

when I said that the teacher walked in "Mr. Sugawara."

"Sorry sensei." She continued with the lesson and slowly the children staring at us looked back at the lesson the teacher was trying to explain to us. i kept staring at the ceiling trying to comprehend what Chinami was trying to gain from doing what she is.

"Mr. Sugawara since you don't seem to need to listen to what I'm teaching how about you answer number 6."

"Ok, um." it was a little harder than I thought but I eventually found the answer "X=32 and Y=12!" Shirabu laughed quietly at the enthusiasm I answered with.

the teacher just sighed "Correct." she looked over at Shirabu who stopped laughing like right away. i zoned out and soon enough the lunch bell rang Chinami ran to Shirabu and i's seats "Hey you ready to go?"

"I guess?" Shirabu looked over at me confused by my answer since I usually sit with the volleyball team since my friend group decided that would be a good idea.

he poked my shoulder making me look at him and Chinami's smile faulted a bit he leaned over and whispered "I have to tell you something later."

"Ok let's go." Chinami grabbed me by my hand and dragging me out of the room and down the hall continuing to pull me until we were behind the school. Her happy demeanor changed completely she let go of my hand which I wiped on my jacket because... females... anyway "Heres the thing, I want you to stay away from Shirabu. if that means you have to pretend to be my boyfriend then so be it."

"You're forgetting one thing Chinami, I didn't agree to this."

"What's with the formalities M/n, we used to be friends right?"

"That was in grade school, to be honest, you're not that nice of a person so I'm not going to pretend to be your boyfriend."

"I think you're the one that's forgetting something, no one knows that you're gay and if you want to keep it that way you are going to stay away from Shirabu."

"Tora you really are a dumb bitch." i could see her getting mad "I'm his roommate, I physically can't say away from him."

"You can change rooms ya' know."

"But then I'd lose. besides that, i do want to keep my secret so I guess I'll be your plaything again for a bit. I kinda wanna see how far you'll end up going with this before you call quits. I mean you always do right?"

"I wasn't the one who called quits you were, and I'm glad you agreed but then again it's not like you had a choice. you would never risk people finding out... considering what happened at Seijoh."

she walked away leaving me behind the school mad, that is until Shirabu walked out the doors leading into the school "Woah who pissed you off?!"

"Nothing, what did you need to tell me earlier."

"So I found something out at practice and i think I should share it with you. it is breaking the unspoken rule but I don't really care right now."

"What is it?" I asked sitting down beside him on the steps.

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