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M/n POV:

i heard the door open and turned a bit to see who walked in. i didn't see anything since it was dark and just turned back over thinking of dealing with it in the morning when I wake up. I felt something land on me causing my eyes to fling open while sat up looking at who it was. it was Kenzo "If Ren saw me right now he'd be very mad."

"Then what are you doing here."

"Just get up and get ready... quickly."

I didn't feel like arguing so I did what he told me to. i had everything I needed and walked out of the room, I saw Hisa, Asami, and Ryoma waiting. they dragged me down the hall at like 2 in the morning and there I saw Mei waiting at the stairs with Tendou and Taichi. "What the fuck is happening?"

"We are going to do something fun, probably."

"If we don't get caught that is" Asami interrupted Ryoma as he was going to continue talking. as we were walking to where we would be doing this activity Asami started explaining "We have gathered every embarrassing thing Ren has done in the past two years, most of it by asking around. we wanted to paint or make something with all these moments for It to be displayed to the entire school. so what's the best place to do so? the courtyard."

"So what exactly are we doing?"

Mei walked beside me "Well M/n we are going to put a bunch of embarrassing moments on display on the tables and the most embarrassing on the school."

"So it's going to be an art show for Ren to be made fun of."


"Hey, Tendou as a third-year shouldn't you be stopping the "Irresponsible second years". "?

"Who do you think I am? Semi?" we continued down the first-year hall out to the courtyard where we started setting up. I was in charge setting up to moments from when he attended Seijoh, I wonder why? Taichi was helping Tendou set up the moments on the school since they were the tallest people. Mei and Hisa seemed to be getting along quite well, I thought that it was going to be worse but I guess not.

Kenzo was helping me with the table I was working on, we were all talking and joking around. it made me think that after this whole Ren problem was solved things would go back to normal. it might be a bit boring but I did want that to happen, I'm not someone who takes risks because I don't want things to change but maybe it's time that things do change.

then again I hate sentiment so I wasn't going to think that at all, I was just going to let things play out. you could say that I'm just a background character in my own life but I think that I'm just watching seeing how to show plays out. after everything was displayed we all went to where we would spend our morning since it was around 5 and this is the time all of us are seen in the school.

Hisa went up to the classroom while Tendou and Taichi went to practice, Kenzo and Ryoma went off to do whatever they do and Asami started walking to the front of the school. Mei and I decided to just sit down under the tree in the courtyard until more students got there to see our beautiful artwork. when more people did get there they walked out and looked at everything that was set up laughing at something, taking pictures, and looking at all the embarrassing things Ren has done.

at 7 news had passed around really quickly that Ren went out to the courtyard to see what was set up, at this point Mei and I was in a classroom watching from the second floor. it was a spare classroom that no one really ever uses, so we could not get in trouble by being there. he got so mad about it. he didn't take it down and just stormed back into the school Mei and I ran to class 2-4 so that we wouldn't be sus. we sat down as nothing happened and "continued" a conversation that we were having.

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