Chapter 20 Downfall

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I'm backkkkkkkk and thankfully, I'm feeling quite myself again. Although now everyone at home is sick...oops. But yeah...Thank you for all your lovely messages, I've come up with something, which is actually rather important to the storyline.

Hope you enjoy.



Hazel POV

"And up!" I laugh, raising Ryan into the air, he squirms and giggles, opening his adorable little toothless mouth. He squeals as I pull him back down to me, where I lie on my bed, gripping him to my chest.

"Who's the little cutest little nephew in the world? You are. YOU ARE!" I coo, he gurgles, poking a finger into his mouth.

I sit upright, and cradle him to my chest, as his eye lids begin to droop. He sighs, his tiny body relaxing against me, tiny snores begin to leave his mouth.

"Aww" I whisper, brushing his small amount of thin brown hair from his forehead. I pull his small blue baby grow around him more tightly. I watch him peacefully, when my phone rings. Blaring out my ringtone of Maps by Maroon 5. I lean over to get it carefully, as to not to disturb Ryan, I enter y password and press answer.


"Hazel" James answers, muffled voices sound from behind him, he shushes someone and waits for my reply.

"Hi James" I sigh "Yes Ryan's fine, no there isn't an emergency, and yes you can take your time" I smirk.

"Okay, thanks Hazel you're a star, just thought I would check up on things. Are you home alone or is Dan hiding under your bed?" he laughs.

"Oh haha" I roll my eyes, and look down at the tiny figure in my arms. "And yes I'm alone, but knowing Matt, who is known to just turn up places, especially our door, but at the moment I am"

"Okay, I'll leave you to be alone then"

"Thanks; bye James" I groan, rolling my eyes. I put the phone down and throw it onto the cushion pile at the end of my bed.

"Your Daddy's worried about you" I whisper to Ryan who is sleeping in my arms. He stirs and squirms. "He worries about you too much doesn't he? They'll be home soon buddy"

I yawn and stretch out on the bed, laying him down gently besides me, I stroke my hand through his gentle hair, admiring each strand and the softness of it.


My eyes shoot open at the sound of banging on the door, Ryan is crying at my side, I must've have fallen asleep.

"Shhh" I whisper stroking my finger over his cheek, his face turns red and he shakes unpleasantly. My phone starts ringing again, I pick it up.


"Oh my god Matt, you just woke me and the baby up! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I whisper yell.

"I'm sorry" he mumbles, I look up at the ceiling and shake my head.

"Apologise to him in person" I say and I hang up, I pull Ryan to me again, holding him close and whispering reassuring words to him. I rock him gently as he begins to calm down, I walk carefully down the stairs, careful not to trip as he wails more quietly.

He takes a deep breaths, and soon he is okay again, a little agitated but none the less wide awake.

I walk over to the cupboard in the hallway, I take out the key and walk over to the door where I unlock it. I open it to find Kirsty and Matt, looking rather frantic.

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