Chapter 23 The Party Part 3- The Morning After

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Hazel POV

As soon as I wake up I instantly regret it and want to force myself to fall back asleep.

I feel as if my skull is being squeezed, in fact, my head is throbbing. I open my eyes to find myself engulfed in a warm duvet, I scoot further into it, pulling it up and over my head.

It smells really nice under here. I exhale and inhale trying to stop some of the pain, but with no luck.

Where do I know that smell from? That is really going to annoy me.

Wait a minute...this is my bed right?

Oh my god. What happened last night?

More importantly, where am I?

I open my eyes, they are sore and I want to rub them, but I know that that will make it worse. I pull the blanket away and squint into the dark.

I can just make out some white squares on the wall, what are they? Photographs?

I very carefully sit up, wincing at the pain, my eyes focus on a glass of water and a small box of tablets reading paracetamol and another reading ibuprofen. I feel nauseous, really nauseous.

I reach out to grab the water, but I flinch back when the sound of a door handle sounds and the door begins to open. I scoot back into the bed and I try to block out the light from where the person is entering, but now I can see the room more clearly.

There's a desk, a wardrobe, a set of drawers, as I guessed a wall of photographs and obviously the bed I am sitting on. My eyes widen in horror when I realise just where I am and why the bed smelt so appealing.

This is Dan's room.

A person stands at the doorway, I pull my knees to my chest, running my hands over last night's dress.

I look down at the floor and watch his feet enter the room, padding carefully onto the carpet. My eyes carefully watch his white socks as they move, not wanting to look up.

"You're awake then?"

He turns on the dimmer switch and I groan at the light, making my eyes sting, he lowers it and I finally look up at him.

"Take the tablets, it will help"

My stomach aches, I cough and begin to gag, fear strikes through me as I pull myself to my feet, pushing past him to the landing, I run into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and I kneel over the toilet.

As in kneel there in a state, everything in my stomach reappearing and last night's make up running down my face due to the tears of fright, I feel two hands on my back, I can't move as I retch again, the hands pull my hair back from my face.

"I-I'm so s-scared" I whimper, feeling hopeless as I begin to shake. I daren't open my eyes as my bottom lip trembles.

"I need you to let it all out, that's the only way forward" his soothing voice replies, he rubs my back in calming circles, shhh-ing me as I cry.

When my stomach is dry and my throat burns; the pain from my stomach gone, I pull down the lid and I scotch over to wall, leaning against the cool tiles, I look up at the ceiling, trying to stop my nerves.

"W-why are you doing this?" I whisper as he towers over me in his pyjamas bottoms and a sweatshirt, bed hair and tired eyes, he flushes the toilets and looks down at me, with those god damn green eyes that make just about any girl weak at the knees.

"Just because" he smiles to himself and goes about looking in the mirror and playing with his messy hair.

"But I'm such a bitch to you"

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