Chapter 22 The Party Part 2 - Can I help you?

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A/N- THIS IS SO SO LONG AND I AM SO SORRY! Hope it's worth it...?

Hazel POV

The room feels stuffy and the music thumps loud as I follow Kirsty into the main area of the house. The room cis crowded with a large amount of people, and there are even more in the other rooms. I take steady deep breaths as I follow her into the centre of the room, Emma hot at my heels, bright neon lights flash over my face and I wince, people dance round the room in a popping like motion, the DJ stands on a platform behind a turntable, when I look closely I can see that it is Jack from Social studies, he catches my eye, a smile on his face as he waves.

"ALRIGHT HAZEL!" He yells into a microphone, making quite a few people turn and smile at me, I shake my head at him and laugh. Although I do wave back and he nods happily.

"Oh my god, you know Jack Fisher?! You have to introduce me to him!" Kirsty squeals excitedly.

"Sure Kirst" I laugh "Why don't you come with me to request a song?"

"But what if I mess up?!" she asks worriedly, I smile at her, twisting my fingers through one of my dark brown curls.

"Girls! You made it!"

I turn around to see someone walking through the large clump of bodies, wearing a dark blue plaid shirt and black skinny jeans.

Billy Cooper smiles a bright white smile and runs a hand through his light brown hair, his green eyes survey me carefully and I feel Kirsty grip my wrist, an excited smile on her face.

Oh god.

"Alright guys?! I'm so glad you could make it" he looks at Kirsty and then at Emma, and then finally down at me, I fold my arms self-consciously, smiling a shy smile as he looks me up and down.

"Hazel" he smiles "I'm very pleased you made it, you look stunning tonight" I take a step away from him and his smile falters slightly. I can feel the beat pounding through my feet, I meet his eyes, which although are green, are not as green and enigmatic as Dan's.

"Hello Billy" I greet, he nods "I'm glad I came, nice set up you know? Good crowd"

"Thanks" he smiles "Well...I've got to get on, people to see you know?"

"Yeah, okay then, see you around"

I swear he winks at me before he disappears through the crowds, Kirsty screeches besides me, Emma groans and I laugh but then stop as Kirsty's eyes narrow on something over my shoulder.

"Who is it?" I whisper, but she doesn't hear me over the music blaring, I look around carefully to see Dan, Ollie and Josh, surrounded, to my somewhat surprise, by girls. Josh I expect I suppose, but Ollie and Dan?

"He's so smug" Kirsty scorns, placing a hand on her hip and glaring at him.

"Yeah..." I say, just a little distracted by the fact that Dan is wearing a green shirt, which by the way, brings out his eyes.

Why is he such an idiot?

A rather drunken blonde girl, in a very short dress, wraps her arms round Dan's neck. He looks put off, his hands stiff at his side and posture awkward, Ollie pushes his way through the crowd. He smirks at Emma who smiles at him.

I poke Kirsty, she glances at me and I nod towards Emma and Ollie, the only two that aren't in the revenge plan, she smiles almost evilly and presses a finger to her lips, I nod.

"Hey Baby" he smiles, wrapping an arm round her and kissing the side of her face, Emma giggles and wraps her hand around his arm. He pulls away, still very close to her and whispers something in her ear, she laughs, covering her mouth as he looks at him sceptically. He then smirks at her as she nods, taking her hand in his.

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