Chapter 26 Tension on Campus

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Thank you for all your positive comments and little motivational speeches, they mean a lot, they really do.

Thank you so much.



Hazel POV

"Wait wait wait, I'm still confused. So you're willing to accept Dan's apology...after everything that happened?" Matt asks as if it is the most bizarre thing in the whole world, he blinks at me and waits for my response.

"Pretty much" I say "I really missed him alright? And he was so apologetic, it felt so nice to let myself be happy around him"

Matt shakes his head, looking baffled as he leans back in his chair.

"I just don't get love" he comments, staring up at the ceiling.

I anxiously dart my eyes to the back of Dan's head, who luckily didn't hear that.

"Will you shhh! He might hear you! And it's not love!" I hiss, slightly under my breath as I suddenly feel conscious of Dan's hearing.

"Oh sure, and my names Billy-Bob" he speaks sarcastically. I roll my eyes and glare at him.

"Just because you haven't been in love" I argue.

"And you have?" He smirks at me, raising his eye brows. My face reddens.

"I...Well...not exact...Perhaps...oh shut up!" I stutter and he sniggers to himself and grins at me as I whack him in the arm.

"You know you don't have to dislike Dan" I say changing the subject. Matt frowns and taps his pen against the wooden desk, sighing deeply.

"I don't like the fact that he put Josh, someone who I personally have seen with many girls at many parties, who claims to be 'a changed man' who gets all innocent when Kirsty comes crying , in front of you Hazel"

"Yeah I understand that...but you actually have some things in common, you're both sarcastic..."

"Hazel" he says with a tired smile, cutting me off. I close my mouth. "Stop trying to make me like him, I just don't like him alright? I guess I saw him at the worst time"

"You did, he's really kind and sweet and caring..."

"You're doing it again Hazel! Talk about all that girly mushy stuff with Kirsty or Emma will you! God, next you'll be taking me dress shopping and making me get a manicure!" He gasps, covering his ears with his hands as I giggle and he smiles awkwardly.

"Alright, everyone settle down!" Mr Gore announces, taping the air with his hands.


"And so!" Mr Gore finally looks as if he's going to finish this boring speech of the History of English Literature. "I've decided, that since we have all been studying Shakespeare; that we could go to the place where his work really did kick off...I'd like to invite you on a 5 day trip to London!"

Excited mummers echo around the class room, I too share the excitement as Matt and I turn to each other with matching grins, when I suddenly remember an important point and my smile is wiped from my face.

"What's wrong?" he asks, concern flashing through his blue eyes as he leans forward to look at me better.

"I'm grounded, remember?" I groan.

"Students who cannot attend will have to attend study sessions with Miss Shesley in the library" Mr Gore adds as he begins to pass letters to people, who all look very excited.

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