Chapter 28 London Part 2 - Worst Room Mates

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"Sir please" Matt pleads, turning his body to hurry after Mr Gore who strolls down the corridor.

"No Matt, my decision is final" Mr Gore snaps, huffing in annoyance as he reaches the elevator and presses the down button.

"But I don't want to share a room with Daniel Foster" he exclaims, throwing his hands into the air, the elevator pings and Mr Gore turns tiredly to Matt.

"As I said Mr Lloyd, my decision is final" he steps into the elevator and holds his finger on a button so he can continue to talk to us. "I will see you both at breakfast in an hour and an half. I strongly suggest you go and get dressed Matthew, bear in mind, I'm letting you explore the city today, nothing scheduled, just be back by 7 sharp"

Matt groans as the doors close and his eyes flicker to the red numbers on the black panel that slowly descend down to zero.

"I can't believe I have to share a room with Dan" he shakes his head, then his eyes brighten and he looks at me with hopeful eyes "I could sleep in your bathtub!"

"No Matt" I sigh, hating the current situation and awkwardness between Matt and Dan. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Alright, didn't like listening to Josh and Dan whisper about me this morning though. But, as soon as Dan went to shower Josh sparked up a conversation, we've spoken before at parties you see, so we laughed over some old memories. And of course I know Ollie anyway because of you girls"

I nod, looking up at him as he waits to finish his sentence, he chooses his words carefully but they still hit me like a truck.

"It's just Dan" he says, resting his back against the wall of the hotel corridor, he shakes his head. "I just...can't like him, and I don't know why"

I nod again, trying to hide my disappointment from him, I know he is protective, I know he doesn't like what happened and how quickly everything seemed to stitch back together again and I know how Matt can be with new people. But I really hoped there was a way he could try.

"I'm sorry Hazel" he looks up at me, placing a firm hand on my shoulder, I smile at him in reassurance and shake my head.

"Don't be, it's fine Matt. I shouldn't force you to get on with someone"

"It's not fine though is it?" He nearly hisses at me, I take a step back to let him gain self-control, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Sorry" he says, pinching the bridge of his nose and inhaling deeply.

"Do you want some water?"

"No thanks" he breathes and looks at me again. "As I was saying, I don't like the guy, because of everything you went through with him"

"Yeah I gathered that" I roll my eyes "you've only said it about a thousand times"

"Let me finish!" He snaps, I move away and I walk towards the water fountain next to the elevators where we are still standing. "But I should try to get on with him, because I know how much he means to you. You love him don't you?"

I stop, the cup held tight in my hand, my throat goes dry, my stomach drops, my eyes widen and I stay rooted to the spot. I don't respond, but I hear Matt's footsteps approach, he rounds the area around the water tank so that he stands opposite me, with the gurgling water between us as it refills the water I have taken out.

He smiles at me slyly and folds his arms over his black t-shirt, which today bears the letters in simple black print ACDC. Some old band that I have never listened to. I look up from his shirt to his eyes, almost twinkling with the mischief forming in his brain.

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