~I want to be honest...~

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~I want to be honest, so let's get this straight and we can move on~

Hello wonderful readers,

You've probably sussed by now (since I say it all the time) but my name is Lauren, I am currently 15 years of age and here's a little extra fact, I'm sitting in my sisters room because there's a problem with the heating in certain parts of my tiny house which means that my room is like a bloody oven. My sister isn't here however and her room is...very pink. But anyway, that wasn't the point of this.

I'm going to warn you in advance, I'm going to ramble, like I always do because I like writing.

Because it's about time I told you this little bit extra about myself and my writing. In a nutshell...I want to be honest with you all. I was inspired to get this out there by @The_Fallen_Rose because I know Elena's been having this problem also and her writing is absolutely amazing. I don't know if tagging her with the @ symbol will make her see this, but it's okay because you guys know of her now and you should check her stuff out, her work makes me cry with sadness, happiness and also jealousy because I want my writing to be like hers.

Christmas is my favourite time of the year, I always look forward to it. When I was 11 I ran down the stairs to find a thin box waiting for me amongst all my other presents, I opened it to find an acer aspire laptop, which I was thrilled about as I had asked for one. I soon came to christen it Larry the Laptop, because I thought it needed a name as I used it a lot, a name that began with an L (I later came to...regret naming it that, but that is a story for another day). I noticed Microsoft word starter was an optional feature on my laptop and I began to write Harry Potter fanfiction as I had read a fair amount of it, I think I started with diary-type entries and then went on to a story. I soon realised I liked this 'writing' that I had going and I wanted to write more, I wrote about a spy, I wrote about werewolves, I wrote about a royal family (not the real one, but one I made up) they were all...awful. Just dreadful, no description, mainly dialogue and the best thing about it? No one knew I did it, my mum came in and I would close Larry so that you couldn't see what was on the screen but it was still on. Eventually she grew suspicious and asked what I was up to and so I said I was 'writing'.

I wanted to start afresh in 2013, writing was a thing that made me happy, and I wasn't happy at all that year for reasons I won't go into as I don't like dwelling on it, so my family took a holiday to a small Isle of the coast of England that I had heard a boy in my class once talk about, it was called the Isle of Wight and I was very excited, I knew that I wanted to start being a more positive person (which I feel I have achieved) and writing was going to help with that.

Anyway, I had heard about a writer's website called wattpad through a friend of mine, I had come come across it because my friend's name was mentioned in a fanfiction and she had sent me the link. It was called Wattpad, and I was fascinated by it.

I told my parents, the only people aside from one of my close friends that goes by the name Chrissy that I wrote little stories, they said I should sign up for it, so I did, and my mum helped me with the username campervangirl2000. So I decided I was going to publish my werewolf book, which I still own along with the spy and the royal one and the one I wrote about a band (a made up band) they are all on a memory stick shoved to the back of my desk drawer.

A part of me always loved writing, from the age of about 10 I told my year 6 teacher I wanted to be an author and she smiled and told me 'I have the work for that' because I loved and still do love English.

BACK TO MY BOOKS, so I decided that I was going to work on something new, I had no idea what though, so on about our third day I took my phone with me and got in the car, I put my ear phones in. I looked out the window as I pressed shuffle. Summer love by one direction came up, I was about to skip it, not really in the mood for a sad song. When I realised I could write about just that, a summer love. And you've heard me talk about that before so I won't dwell on it anymore.

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