Chapter 9 Aftermath guilt

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GUYS, a slightly early update! I just wanted to say thanks for all your support! This chapter kinda sucks and I think I could've done a lot better, but I wanted to get it out there! PLEASE don't hate me for the ending! It's 19 past 11 at night and I need to sleep. So I'm posting! Oh and I'll be posting an edit for it on my Instagram @campervangirl2000 :)
Chapter 9

*A few days later*

Daniel POV

Mum has made me toast but I left it on the side, taking only a bite out of one of them, I still look rather awful but there's no use in just moping around, I need to get back to reality.

Which is why I'm going back to my classes today, followed by going down to the pool to work a shift.

And I really don't want to go in, or walk around half naked in my swimming trunks for 1-3 hours

A hand on my shoulder makes me sigh and I turn to face my Mum, looking extremely distressed, her lips tremble slightly as she looks me up and down with her deep blue eyes.

"I don't like seeing you like this Daniel" she whispers, her eyes glazed over as she brushes her hands over my shoulders a few times.

I try to give her a reassuring smile, but I fail, because it's just so hard.

"Are you sure you want to go in?" she asks, hand playing with the collar on my shirt and frowning at me.


"Yes Mum, I'll be alright" I answer, my voice still sounds scratchy and unlike my usual tone.

"Says the boy wearing a dark grey t-shirt, with black jeans and back converse with a black jacket"

"Mum" I groan, she chuckles and pulls me in for a hug, pulling me tight like she is scared of letting go. I reminisce over the times she used to do this after everything with Bella, if I ever fell out with anyone at school or for example, when I cut my finger on one of Dad's fishing hooks.

The doorbell rings and there's a rapid knock on the door, she pulls away reluctantly, folding her grey cardigan-covered arms after rubbing her fingers under her eyes.

"Your 'moral support' is here" she says, quoting what he said to my Mum the other day when he popped over.

She smiles at me quickly, then runs out of the room, I take this opportunity to groan loudly and roll my eyes.

Josh walks into the kitchen, wearing a plain white shirt and blue jeans with a green sweatshirt. His smile falters slightly at my appearance like the other times he has seen me over the last fortnight or so, but then he smiles again.

I kiss Mum on the cheek as we pass her and leave out of the door, off to catch the bus. The air hits me hard and my eyes sting from how they are swollen, my trainers scuff along the pavement.

"Dan, are you alright?"

I turn to Josh and give him a deadpanned expression, he sulks his shoulders and turns his head away.

"Sorry, stupid question"

"No kidding" I say, and he stops right in his tracks, making me stop and turn around with a confused look. His sandy hair blows in the wind and he has his hands shoved deep into his pockets.


"Did you just say something sarcastic?!"

"I...I uh...I guess?"

"The old Dan's resurfacing! Oh my god this is great!"

I roll my eyes, a smile threatening to appear, it still won't, but it nearly does.

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