Chapter 14 The fury of Hazel Robinson

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Has anyone else realised that Dan and Hazel haven't talked at all since the break up?

Well I have, because I planned it.

I'm sorry in advance for this chapter, I don't believe it is very good.

I hope you all had a happy christmas and a I hope you have a happy new year!

See you in the new year!

-Lauren :D


I lay on my blue duvet covers, my furry zebra print blanket drawn up to my chest as I look up at the ceiling. Matt is playing his random playlist, turns out that Matt listens to a lot of music in his free time.

The current song playing is set the fire to the third bar and is by Snow Patrol, a band who I don't know much about but are very talented and Matt seems to speak very highly of them.

He sits at my desk, brown hair tousled (because he keeps running his hands through it), and eyes on the English lit coursework of mine that he is 'editing' for his own copy. He looks up at my iPod dock when the chorus plays and smiles to himself, then over to me.

The song is very slow and sounds quite depressing, but if you listen carefully it isn't really, the beat just makes it sound like that. The chorus is slightly more upbeat.

"You know this song is supposed to be about a long distance relationship" he says, raising his eyebrows, I frown at him as he continues:

"Yeah, and about how desperately you want to be with that person and how you hope someone will pick you up and take you to their arms. Sound familiar?"

"Stop making me feel guilty Matt" I mumble, closing my eyes and rolling over to face him as I open them.

"Well Danzel wasn't technically a long term relationship was it?"

"Will you stop calling it 'Danzel'! And no it wasn't"

"It could've been, James told me how depressed you were when you weren't with him, you know, when you got home"

"Great, I'm glad my brother can keep his mouth shut" I say sarcastically and Matt laughs.

"I wonder why no one has asked him out yet." He says and I look at him carefully, making sure he isn't trying to mock Dan.

"I don't think the girls know he's single"

"Well when they know they will flock to him, I'm warning you now"

"I don't really care anymore"

Hazel you liar

Shut up again please, voice in my head.

"And why will the flock to him? He's not exactly anything special?" I continue hastily, my thoughts causing my stomach to hurt.

"Are you kidding me? He is Daniel foster, he looks like something out a bloody boy band!"


"You've got to be kidding me"

"Nope! He's not that much of a bad looking guy, long hair and green eyes, girls dig that sort of stuff and he would fit right in!"

"As if!"

We calm our breathing steadily. The song has now changed to a pop song. Going against the atmosphere, Matt reaches over and unplugs his phone.

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