Chapter 2 Pancakes

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Hello people of wattpad!

Guess what my sister said to me the other day? Well I was sitting on a chair in the kitchen eating some of my special K (this diet cereal, don't ask) out of the box which has HAZELNUTS and almonds in it, my sister came in and gasped.

So I said "What?!"

So she pointed to the word HAZELNUT and said "I love Hazelnuts!".

So I smiled at thinking: "OH MY GOD" and then she ran over to pot on the side and showed it to me and said "Because Hazelnuts make nutella!".

Oh god.

Anyway, fun fact, did you know they are raising the price of nutella because there is a hazelnut shortage?! I COULD USE THIS GUYS!

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to Sian (Sian2468) because she is literally the sweetest person ever. Talking about how much she loves my book and even calling me famous aww. (Now, a very popular boy-band member did a little interview thingy-bob saying how much he hates the word, but we shall let that pass!) I'm not famous. *snape voice* obviously I do this as a hobby cause it's fun! Aha. Anyway, she is adorable and always brining up my day with her comments. Go and read her book 'The Devil next door' and I promise you won't regret it!

OH and also! I met Alfie Deyes aka PointlessBlog the youtuber at his book signing of 'The Pointless book' and I am so happy! I was shaking like fricking crazy! He was so sweet.

Anyways...OH and I'm back at school and debating whether I should make an instagram for this. Okay, thanks!

Thanks for over a 100 reads guys! ALREADY! ILYSM!

Lauren :D


Hazel POV


I squirm, pulling the blankets closer to my small body, to conserve as much heat as possible.


I jolt awake at the sudden interruption, with an odd image in my mind of my old P.E teacher yelling my surname, to find Dan leaning over me in the new light coming from my now open curtains.

I push at his chest and he moves away to lean against my wardrobe, his arms crossed over his sweatshirt and a smirk plastered right across that attractive face of his.

Oh damn you boyfriend of mine.

"What in the name of oh mighty Dumbledore are you doing here?"

His eye brows furrow for a minute and then he bursts out laughing.

"Dumbledore? Oh my god. Like that guy with the beard?"

I shake my head as he cracks up bending over as he laughs, using my chest of drawers as a support.

"Answer my question Foster!" I yell in my croaky morning voice, my eyes widen and I massage my throat with my hands.

He laughs and wipes his eyes, then crosses the room to sit on the edge of my bed.

"I woke up early and I thought I'd come and have breakfast with you. Like a good boyfriend" he says with" a smile, reaching across to my face and brushing my hair away from my eyes.

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