Chapter 4 Is she right?

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So you guys have been so patient! I haven't even started the next chapter but for time purposes I thought I would wait to post this one, not cause I'm busy but because it gives you an update before the halloween one or you would have a super long time to wait :) I really like the picture above and it sort of reflects Hazel after this read on! So without further ado. HERE YOU GO!


Hazel POV

A gentle strumming fills my ear and I turn to Kirsty in confusion, she shrugs and we continue our way across the grassy campus, to the tree that we all hang out around at lunch and when we have breaks.

Emma sits on the bench surrounding the tree, her foot tapping to the gentle rhythm, I look from her to Dan who's mint green eyes are concentrated on the strings he is plucking at in a pattern on his hazelnut-coloured guitar I bought him.

"Hazel stop daydreaming" Kirsty says loudly a smirk on her face, I feel myself flush. Dan turns and beams widely, motioning me forward with his hands.

"Hey" I say, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips, his thin pink lips curve into a smile again and he replies the same and I sit in front of him on the grass and he continues to play.

"Where 's Josh and Ol?" Kirsty asks, her eyes scanning our surroundings. Emma looks up, shuts off her phone and slips it into her bag.

"Josh went to the grub truck and I haven't seen Ollie" she says.

"Josh did what?!" She says, anger prominent in her tone and I lean away from her. Here we go again...

"He went to the grub truck...did I do something wrong?"

She shakes her head angrily and shoots to her feet, sighing angrily as she shifts her bag on her shoulder.

"He promised me he'd wait for me!" She screeches and flicks her dark red hair over her shoulder and storms off.

"Oh my god" I say, with a sigh, leaning back to rest on the grass, my hair fanning out around me, Dan nods in agreement, placing his guitar down.

"I didn't think they'd fight like this" Dan says, his eyes narrowing as he watches her make her way across campus.

I look up and I shrug my shoulders, Emma just looks a little confused.

"They fight everyday, I swear" Emma adds, curling her hair around her finger. Dan picks up his guitar again, giving up on watching his two friends.

I decide I want to change the subject as we fall silent watching the pair bicker from a far.

"So uh...when's your date with Ollie?"

"This Saturday, it's the only free day I had as well as Sunday, with the art class and everything"

"Oh how sweet"

Dan groans and puts his guitar down again, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Don't be like that! Where was the first date you two had?" Emma says.

Dan and I stare at each other blankly, both of our memories failing us.

"Oh come on"

"Uh, oh actually! It was on a beach and we had a picnic and he bought me a bunch of white lilies, they are my favourite flowers"

"Awww cute"

"Oh and just for my personal reference, what's your favourite flower Emma?" Dan adds trying to not look suspicious.

I roll my eyes and hold back a laugh with my jumper sleeve.

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