SN;; chapter 1

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The day has been doing good at the Konoha village...well not for Naruto

The blonde has been stressed out from the paper works he never knew being a hokage was this hard.He sighed remembering today was his youngest son birthday

He haven't finished the doll his been working on that was the birthday present for him

Naruto didn't want to miss his youngest son birthday just like last year.He felt guilty when he couldn't go and celebrate with him

Haru was upset and avoided Naruto for the whole day making the Uzumaki sulk,it was one of the worst day to Naruto

The blonde sighed once again and took the stuff and th unfinished doll from his drawer,he then began to sew it.

The doll he was making was a tiger,the young uzumaki loved wild animals especially tigers.


Naruto snapped out from his thought and quickly hid the stuff and puts it in his drawer before he answered "Yes? You may come in"

The door slid open and revealed Boruto his oldest son "Oi old man!"he shouted

The young blonde walked towards to his desk,giving a glare to his father "You better spend time with Himawari later! She has been waiting for you all day,so you better spend time with here okay?!"

Naruto eyes widen "shit...."he mumbled

The blonde was doomed he doesn't know if he can handle his chakra by using a shadow clone so he can also spend time with Himawari,but he knows he'll be weaker later.

Naruto wasn't that much strong nowadays because of the incident 7 years ago,his half chakra has been stolen by Orochimaru

The adult sighed and gave a small smile "Please tell Himawari to wait for me"

Boruto who rolled his eyes while his arms were crossed and gave out a "Hn"this made Naruto chuckle,theres a chance that Boruto can be a half Uchiha maybe 0.03-0.02% or maybe more

The young Uzumaki left the hokage office making Naruto all alone again,the hokage took out his phone and dialed Karins phond number

"Hello?"a teen voice answered

"Menma?"he replied

"oh! Okaa-san!"Naruto can feel that his son was smiling through the other line

"hello bub is your aunt Karin there?"

"yea~ i'll call her,give me a sec ma!"Menma responded

Naruto waited for about a min until Karim finally spoke "Yow Naru! Why'd you call?"

"ah! Karin can you do me a favor and prepare some tomato? And some ingredients for the ramen to please"he said

"oh~ okay i got ya! Ino is also coming today it looks like she'll bring some cake and flowers for the three"she said

"please say thank you for Ino for her hard work,you too thank you Karin"Naruto smiled

"no need we always have your back Mama Uzumaki~"Karin chuckled from the other line

"Yea yea,i'll be there for an hour i'll just finish my paperworks and the doll"he said

"kay be careful when you leave,its late.We all know Orochimaru and his team are watching your every move"

"dont worry i'll be fine.I have to go now take care and see you"

"see you Naru"she ended the call

The hokage sighed and began to finish his paperworks so he can leave early for today


1st chapter done! I know my grammar isn't good but i hope you wont mind it haha!

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