SN ;; chapter 28

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The atmosphere around the house was gloomy and quiet.Everyone was on the dining table as they ate,the red-haired women looked up to see the two siblings that was eating quietly

Her eyes softened feeling bad for the two but then she smiled to them "Boys"she called out

Everyone turned their attention to Karin"I have great news"now this made their heart jump.What was it?

Karin brings her hands together and smiled happily "Menma's surgery was successful,thanks to Tsunade-sama and Sakura-san who helped me.They're a saviour"She said

Kyoishi eyes widen " okay?"he said.Haruto puts down his chopstick down onto his plate "does that mean Menma-nii will live longer?!"He shouted happily

Karin nodded realizing the gloomy emotions earlier dissappeared.The youngest gets off his seat and was about to run-Karin stopped him

Haruto looked up to see his aunt "Menma is still tired hon,maybe tomorrow?"she said

The youngest blinked a few times and nodded and sat on his seat once again.He then noticed Boruto's eyes it was bandanged

"Boruto-nii? What happened to your eye?"he asked.The blond looked at him then to Kyo then looks away not answering the raven

Kyoishi pursed his lips as the room began to stay silent again feeling awkward

Until Sasuke spoke "I have an announcement to make"the people in the dining room looked at him confused since it was a sudden

"I am taking Menma,Kyoishi and Haruto in my household"Now this is where everyone became more confused

"If you have known,Karin may you explain the whole thing to them?"Sasuke said

The red-haired female nodded "To make the three more safer from Orochimaru,me and your mother then Sasuke decided to make them stay with their father-which is..Sasuke Uchiha"Karin said

Kyoishi and Haruto grew more confused.Hell they aren't that smart just like their oldest brother

"What? What do you mean?"Haruto said confused as he turned around to Karin then to Sasuke repeatedly

"Im confused..what do you mean Mr.Uchiha?"Kyoishi turned to the older raven

"Papa?"Sarada also joined and looked at his father confused as hell

Sakura who already knew that this was Sasuke kids and Sarada's brothers.She was fine for them,but she was against about taking them in.

But she stayed silent.

"Haruto,Kyoishi maybe its the time for you to know?"Karin said softly smiling at the two beside her who looked back

Everyone watched Karin and the two young boys looked at eachother eye to eye.It looks like Karin and the two were really close,

"Kyo..Haru...Sasuke your biological father"Karin said smiling awkwardly at the two

The two young boys mouth hanged open.They frozed on their seat,Excuse me what?

Sasuke Uchiha is their father? After all these years.He was their father? But how?

Haruto turned around to the raven with his eyes widen in shock.But it turned into a glare "So you're the one who hurted mother!"He yelled.Sasuke looked at him confused "what?"

"You left him!"Kyoishi said pointing at the older "You made him suffer! He was pregnant at the time when you left him!"Tears came out from the youngers eyes

Sasuke felt a pang in his heart.He had no clue that the blond was pregnant at that time "I didn-" "You're just dumb just like Ino-san said then!"He was cutted off my Kyoishi

Everyone raised their eyebrow when they heard that come out from the younger

"You made mom feel love and joy! But you threw him like a toy and then act like nothing happened! Me,Haru and nissan would hear his cry every night whenever he comes home!"Kyoishi shouted in anger

"nissan..thats enough.."Haruto pulled the olders shirt gently

"No! This guy- is nothing but a scum! Who would leave a person they love when they told them they 'love' them! Then leave them without a reason!"Kyoishi glared at Sasuke

"O-okaasan...struggled for years...but he tried to not show it to us.."Kyoishi mumbled loudly

"dont..dont think that i'd be happy and call you 'dad',because that'll be disgusting for me to say"Kyoishi said looking away while his tears goes down to his cheek

He wiped his tears and gets off from his seat and walks way leaving everyone in silent

Karin watched the young boy walk away then turned around to see the youngest "Haru..?"

Haruto looked back at her then to Sasuke who looked down in guilty.He was happy that he finaly founds out who was his father

But at the same time sad because his brother didn't accept their father.Haruto then gets off his seat and walks towards to the Uchiha

"uhm...d-dad..its..its okay ya'know? Niisan isn't just..really in his this time..Kyo-nii has a bad temper h-hehe!"Haruto said stuttered as he felt shy calling him 'dad'

Sasuke looked at him sjocked when he heard him 'dad'.Did Haruto accepted him?

His heart softened when he heard the youngers giggle at the end.His lips formed into a soft smile then pats the youngers hair "Thanks kiddo"

Haruto nodded shyly while he smiled "Does..that mean they' brothers..? Papa..?"Sarada spoke and looked at her father

Sasuke turned around to see his daighter then nodded "Half"he said

"Are you against it?"Sasuke asked.Sarada shooked her head fastly "of course not! This is great news too! Its fun to spend time with them"She said smiling

"Wait..if that makes the mother uncle Naruto..does that mean Boruto-" "Yes Boruto is your half sibling"Karin cutted the female

Boruto began to choke from his water then coughed for a seconds "Excuse me-what?"

Sasuke looked at the blond "Since Naruto and i were in an affair from the past,our genes would combine and our first children will also have our eachothers genes"he said

"Does that makes us Sarada and me-twins?"Boruto asked

Sakura nodded "Yes"she said "Wh-whos the oldest?!"The two said together

Karin eyed the two and smiled softly then gets off her seat and goes to find the other raven

"I'd say Boruto"Sasuke said "Ha?! Papa why not me?!"Sarada shouted

The youngest watched them silently

"Its because Boruto is born before you,Sarada"Sakura said chuckling "That makes him 4 minutes older,if you guys were twins"she said

Sasuke nodded in agreement giving a piece of tomato to Haruto who thanked him back

Boruto cheered as Sarada began to sulk.The view in Sasuke's eyes were peaceful when all of them now knew the truth that was Naruto were struggling to say it out.

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