SN;; chapter 14

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As everyone walked in their seperate ways-the siblings followed the Uzumaki's behind since they were invited for dinner.

Hinata also invited the two Uchiha's for dinner and said to not worry for the dinner because it was now already settled,

Himawari was walking beside his older brother Boruto.She kept taking a glance towards the youngest which is Haruto-who got a bit uncomfortable whsn the older stared at him

So he decided to hid behind his older brothers

If you are wondering wheres Sakura is she is actually working at this time-taking care the patients in the hospital,her shift was almost finished and she also decided to go to the Uzumaki household.

She got a text from Hinata that she was welcomed to go in their house for a dinner,which the pink female agreed to come

Everyone reached the Uzumaki household and began to get in the house

Sarada and Boruto chatted as they ignored the adults and talked about something

The siblings gets in and looked around amazed since the house was big and simple.They wanted to try to live here but they knew they wont have a chance

The purple-haired female walks towards to the three raven and said "Maybe you can spend time with the other three? While me and the adults make the dinner"smiling after

The three couldn't just refuse her kindness so they nodded.Walking away and going to the living room and see the three other kids

Boruto abd Sarada was still talking while Himawari was drawing in her sketchpad,

They stopped what they were doing and eyed the ravens who felt awkwards when all the attention was into them now.

"Oi! Why are you standing there just like a statue? Get in here or it'll be boring"said Boruto

The sibling pursed their lips and goes in the living room and sat beside the two kids-Himawari who looked up to them and smiled

"The names Himawari nice too meet you!"she said offering her hand towards to Haru who flinched and felt himself panicking

Kyoishi who was beside him hitted the youngers shoulder gently

Haru eyed up to his brother asking for an agreement if he could talk back to the girl who was now waiting for his hand,

For no having choice-Haru reached the olders hand and shook it shyly and said "Haruto.."he looked down blushing in embarassment.

The two older brothers chuxkled to their youngest but was snapped off when the blond spoke "Oi! Aren't you the brat that talked me back yesterday?"he said looking at Kyoishi

Kyoishi looked back at him and grinned "Maybe? Nii-san have we met him before?"Kyo said while he wiggled his eyebrows to his older brother who looked back at him confused

"dont even lie! You're the kid who called me a girraffe! Doont even try to changs the subject!"Boruto shouted glaring at the younger

Sarada who laughed and said "H-HAHA! so this is the kid who called you burrito!"she said as she holded her stomach trying to stop her laugh

The young blond glared at the female Uchiha "Its not funny Salad!"he said

The girl stopped laughing when she heard her name-she glared at the older blond and said "The names Sarada you shit!"

Boruto grinned "Oh i thought it was salad?"

"you fucking-I'm not a vegetable you ugly looking shit!"she said glaring at him

"so am i!"the two continued to argue leaving the others watch them while they facepalm

"do they often argue?"Kyo asked Himawari who nodded "Every time they see eachother,they wont miss out arguing"said Himawari who sighed

They noticed the older blond come in the living room "Hey kids,having a great time?"said Naruto

"As if we are-Old man! Sarada has been annoying since yesterday!"Boruto said

The three ravens gave a cold stared at the young blond.Which made Boruto flinch and eyed them weirdly

"I'm not annoying! You're the one who'd always start the fight!"Sarada said glaring at the older blond

Naruto sighed crossing his arms as he watched the two argue.

The sound of rains was heard in their household-it was calming to hear at first but it became stronger and had a thunderstorm in it

You couldn't hear the two conversation since the rains was too loud,

Looking around Menma decided to summon his friend-raising his hand up as his skin looked like its summoning ang figure.

A crow came out from his skin which had red eyes and black feathers,he smiled and patted its head "Eh? How do you do that?"he was snapped off by his own world when Himawari spoke

Menma looked at the younger and smiled "I can summon crows,its one of my jutsu's in me"he said

Menma turned around to see his brother frozen beside him,Kyo was frozen and couldn't move when he saw the crow.

Kyoishi was afraid to crows-he got traumatized when one time when he touched Menma's crows the crows got mad and poked him very madly which caused him small injuries,

The older started to grin widely.It was his time for a revenge

He made his arm go closer to the younger besdie him who squealed quietly "Kyo wanna touch him?"he asked

Kyoishi felt his heart drop in a second and saw the light flashes to his eyes

He overreact which made him accidently summon his own snakes which came out from his jacket suddenly.

The youngest who was beside him widen his eyes when he saw the purple snake-Yes Haruto is afraid of snakes

This made the youngest screamed in fear and ran up to his mother and clinged to him

Naruto holded the younger gently and glared at the two "You two! Stop summoning your spirit animals! You guys do kn-Haru! Not you too dont summon your spiders!"Naruto looked down when he saw a spider came out from the youngers jacket

Whenever they get scared,the three would accidently summon their animals by accident which makes it a troublesome towards the blond.Since the three are scared by eachothers animals

Groaning as he felt frustrated he then saw Himawari ran up to him and cling which followed by Boruto then Sarada

"you gotta be kidding me.You guys too?"Naruto mumbled sighing

Having the six with him is tiring as he expected

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