SN;; chapter 12

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The blacked-hair man stood behind them as if he just apoeared out of nowhere,

Ino looked back and saw the Uchiha "S-sasuke?! What- what are you doing here?"said Ino while she stuttered

Sasuke facepalmed "A parents meeting"he said bluntly "Ohh!"Ino said while she laughed nervously

Looking down to the three Sasuke stared at them suspiciously while he sensed their chakra "Ino,who are these kids? I haven't seen them anywhere"asked the older raven

Ino who felt herself panic "ohh! Its- nephews!"she said while smiling awkwardly

Seeing the three nodding in agreement from the answer of their aunt.Sasuke looked at the three young boys for the last time then he walks off leaving them there

The female sighed in relief she was so close to have an heart attack "So- who was that aunty?"asked Haru

"That- that was Sasuke Uchiha,dear"said Ino who smiled softly to the younger

"ohh!! So thats why his chakra was cool!"said Kyo who grinned widely "he looks cool! I would like to train with that guy!"

Eyeing the down the young raven she felt guilt eat her since she knew the kid didn't know that was his father.

Sighing again Ino stood up straightly and smiled "Your mother is coming today"she said

The siblings ear perked when they heard the words come out from her mouth "Momma's coming?!"said Haru who smiled widely

The blond nodded "He wont be alone somehow,he'd be with his wife and Himawari"said Ino

The youngest eyes-sparkled "Hima?!"he shouted in excitement,oh how much he would love to see his other sibling! His been dreaming to see her

"Remember you three dont ever talk to any of them alright? Only talk to them whenever they asked you a question"Ino said

The smile from the raven turned into a frown "cant i even talk to one of them aunty? I've been dreaming to see Himawari for years!"said Haruto who pouted

Ino sighed and shook her head "if my answer is no you cant go further Haru"she said

Haruto then looked down.He wasn't allowed to talk with his other sibling which made him sulk

The other two eyed down the youngest as they felt bad for him,Kyo then patted the youngers back while he smiled

"Oi! Chin up 'ttebane? Atleast we can spend time with Mama,isn't that you akways waited for?"he said grinning happily

The youngest looked up to his brother and nodded and giving a "Hn!"

Ino chuckled to the view "You three,how about lets get back inside? I'm sure your mother will come any minute"said Ino

The siblings nodded as they started to walk back in the school with their aunt beside them,

Walking towards the same hallway till they reach the classroom.The four gets in the room-seeing some parents were already in the room,it made them confused

'where the ramen did they came from?'thoughts from the young ravens.

Shrugging it off and goes in the room and go to their seperate ways,Menma looked beside him as he watched the female raven ignore his father

Which made him feel guilt for the guy it looks like Sasuke Uchiha wanted to spend time with his daughter.But his daughter refuses

What an dramatic father and daughter thing

Rolling his eyes he then noticed the familiar blond get in with a small girl in his arms,his lips turned into a smile it was his mother

The blond was followed by a women who was wearing an oversized purple crop-top jacket,and Boruto was behind her.

He saw his mother made an eye contact with him and nodded then smiled

Menma smiled back his mother was here.And he would guess the small girl was Himawari his half sibling.

Looking away and stared down to his younger brothers that was bow grinning widely.They were happy to see their mother even if they just saw eachother yesterday-they still missed him very much

The Uzumaki family walked towards to the near seating and sat beside eachother,

He heard the other Uchiha sighed-turning around to see him,he looked like he gave up his life just for his daughter.

Raising his eyebrow as he eyed his half sister who was talking to her friend.She sure is stubborn

He was still puzzled up and confused why was Sarada is his half sibling,first of all they did look alike a bit but there was no way she was part of the family.

He would agree when its Boruto and Himawari since his mother said they were his and this girl Hinata's kids,

But he was curious who would've be Sarada's mother is.

Sighing once again since he was overthinking things again-but is it possible Sasuke Uchiha would be their father? He did look so much Haruto

Menma hasn't seen this guy skills so it was unanswered to him

The raven groans loudly which made the older Uchiha eyed him confused

"You okay kid?"asked Sasuke

Menma flinched when the raven spoke.He turned around and saw the Uchiha looking bact at him-he looked like he was concerned towards the younger

Shooking his head and slapping his face with both of his hands and saying "Of course,i am sure i'm fine"

Sasuke looked at him weirdly he didn't know why he was worried all of the sudden.But he did felt connection a bit making him more confused

"If you dont mind me asking,whats your name?"he asked the younger boy

Menma freezed while he panicked he was totally dead-he broke his mothers orders!

But he couldn't just ignore the person wait- he wasn't ordered to avoid the Sasuke Uchiha.Woo! He was safe then

The young raven looked up to the guy who looked back at him and said "The names Menma Uchimaki sir"

He saw the olders eyes widen when he said his name.But soon he looked like he shrugged it off "Sir is there anything problem with my name?"asked Menma

Sasuke shooked his head "No no- its just something just reminded me,so no theres no problem"he said

The older then offered his hand "Sasuke Uchiha it is nice too meet you Menma"he said

Menma flinched when the older offered his hand but soon accepted it and shook their hand together,the younger smiled

"Its nice to meet too Mr.Uchiha"

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