SN;; chapter 16

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"Lord 7th?"Sarada looked at the older blond who looked like was frozen when she asked him

Naruto looked away as he scratched the back of his naoe and laughed nervously "Ahhh w-what are you saying Sarada? Why would i even hide something haha!"

He turned around and looked at the younger again aho still had a blank face 'damn this kid is that seirous?!'he thought

The blond sighed "Okay okay,you caught me.Damn you Uchiha's-not suprised"he said

Sarada rolled her eyes and looked at the blond "care to explain?"she said while she noticed the three ravens were staring at her now but they were behind the older

Naruto sighed once again and pursed his lips "Well..they are actually...relate-" "i know that part"she cutted the blond

"make me finish my sentence for once!"Naruto groaned "well yes we are related..but- i meant..i- i'm their- parent..?"he said

Sarada looked at him "As in..a father?"she said

"y-yea-" "y-you cheated on aunt Hinata?!"

Naruto eyes widen covered her mouth "Shh! They might hear you! Low it down!"he said

Sarada then glared at the older and took the hand of his out of her mouth "I couldn't believe that your that kind of person you are Lord 7th"

Naruto felt guilt get into him "Look- its not like i cheated on her okay?"he said

The Uchiha raised her eyebrow "and?"The blond sighed again "I've got them before Boruto and Hima- no i got Menma before the two"he said

Now Sarada was confused as hell "and you still made new babi-" "no! Not like that! It was an accident okay?!"

"It looks like its on purpose uncle Naruto"Sarada said beggining to cross her arms

Naruto groans he feels himself getting tired of explaining.There was no heading back-he will tell it now

"i forgot to take a pill"Naruto said

The female stared at him confused "pill?"she asked.The blond nodded "birth pill"

Now this made Sarada get confused more "Birth pill? You? Why do you have to take those? Its not like you'll get pregnant?"she said

The blond started to feel his headache "Sarada,i'm an jinchuriki okay? And any jinchuricki can get pregnant.Since those guys inside them doesn't have genders and so will the person who's carrying them"said Naruto

Sarada eyes widen "w-wait! Y-you're tellung me-"

Naruto nodded "i gave birth to those three"

The female looked at the older then to the three "h-how..did you manage to..give birth them..secretly?"she asked

"Karin"he said.Sarada looked back at him "ha?"

"Karin helped me give birth,she was there for me from the very beggining"said Naruto

"aunty..helped you?"she said eyeing the older "yea so did your aunt Ino"he said smiling softly

Sarada thought a moment "wait..but..who's the father then?"she asked

Naruto felt the world stop.He hasn't told the three who was their father "uh..that- thats an sensitive topic.Maybe some other time Sarada"

The female understood and nodded "so these guys are Uzumaki's just like Boruto and Himawari?"she said

The blond stood straight and nodded "Yea,they are"

When Sarada was about to ask another question she was cutted off by her mother calling out for her "Ah lord 7th.Maybe we can discuss some things more later?"she said

Naruto looked back at her and smiled "of course Sarada"he said

The Uchiha nodded and eyed the ravens for the last time before she gets in the Uzumaki household once again.

"sissy is a smartass eh?"Kyo commented

"bet she is"Menma replied

Naruto chuckled at the two "well since she mostly know you guys,i guess it wont hurt for you guys to be friend with her"said Naruto

"hell yea!"Kyo cheered "Kaasan how about Hima?"Haruto asked his mother giving his best to show his puppy eyes

The blond sighed "Not yet dear,its not the best time for her to know"

This made Haru pout in sadness but snapped off when his oldest brother spoke "Okaa-san,Sarada asked about our father? I never..heard a thing about him all you were inlove an Uchiha..right?"said Menma

Naruto felt his heart pound very hard

"Kaasan is there any chance..that Sasuke Uchiha might be our father?"Menma asked

The blond avoided the eye contact from them not giving them an answer,Naruto just walks away and gets in the house leaving the three confused

Kyoishi who turned around to ths oldest "why'd you ask that so suddenly?!"

Menma rolled his eyes "i was curious what would you expect? And were actually old enough to know who our father is"

"still! We dont know what happened between them-or even know why'd they seperated"Kyo said glaring at him

"I know but- aren't you curious aswell?"he asked the younger who flinched

The younger pursed his lips as he looked away "I am..but..i repsect mothers privacy..there might be a reason why he doesn't wanna tell us"he said

Menma looked at the younger then sighed "yea i guess..lets just get inside,lets ask mom another time"he said walking inside the house

Kyoishi nodded and followed behind with Haru beside him

Sasuke Uchiha? Are we related to this guy?

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