SN ;; chapter 22

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The blond twisted the doorknob and was greeted by his wife who was standing in the doorway "H-hinata!"he smiled

The women glared at him "Naruto why are you late?"she asked-there was a worried tone in her voice "ah- about that i forgot to tell you that i was gonna guide the siblings to the gate"he replied

Hinata raised her eyebrows "Why? Are they leaving?"her eyes softened

"Yea they are-by the way is the two asleep already?"he asked,Hinata shook her head "No Boruto is actually still outside and Himawari is upstairs doing her assignments"she said

"Why is Boruto outside this night? He does know its dangerous?"Naruto said sighing

Hinata shook her head once again "I dont know but he hasn't come home since earlier"

"What?"Naruto looked at the women concerned "what time did he left?"

"around 3pm"she sighs "and what time is it?"

Hinata took her phone from her pocket and looked at it "its 7:31"

"Boruto usually go home around...5:30 to 6:00.."the blond eyes widen

Theres no way in hell that the snake kidnapped him,his heart began to pound fastly

"Hinata hand me your phone"Naruto said.The women hands her phone to the blond,Naruto dials Menma's number

"Pick up..pick up.."he mumbles,Hinata watched his husband worriedly

"FUCK!"The blond shouted which started the women "Hinata i want you to go and see Himawari if she's in her room!"Naruto said

Hinata didn't hesitate to turn around and runs upstairs to look for her daughter

She bursted to her daughters room but only found a piece of paper and crayons on the ground,her heart dropped.

Hinata rushed downstairs and looked for the blond "Naruto!! H-himawari isn't in her room!"she said while her tears began to fall from her cheeks

Naruto groans feeling worried to his kids "i'll go get Shikamaru for help,go tell Sakura and Sasuke that Sarada is missing too!"Naruto said and running away to go to the hokage tower

Hinata nodded and puts her shoes on and locks the main door then runs towards the Uchiha's residence

She knocks the door-A minute later Sakura opened the door for her "Hinata? What are y-"

"Sarada's missing!"She said which made the pink-haired chuckled "She bid a goodbye to the three"Sakura said

Sasuke came from the behind looking at the other women confused "No! She is missing! So is Boruto and Himawari!"Hinata said

"What? But she just le-" "Naruto-kun knows someone kidnapped them! And we should help him to find the six of them!"Hinata cutted Sakura.

The Haruno and Uchiha looked at eachother then to then to the Hyuga and nodded "Wheres Naruto right now?"Sasuke said

"He's on his way to report it to Shikamaru and get some Anbus aswell"Hinata replied

"Then we should go"Sakura said

The two nodded for aprroval


Naruto ran from the stairs until he reached the end of it,he saw Shikamaru locking his office in time "Shika!"he called out for him

The raven turned around and faced him "Naruto? What a-" "Not the best time! Get some anbus and some other jounins aswell! The kids got kidnapped!"Naruto said cutting him off

"What? Boruto and Sarada?"Shikamaru said while unlocking the door again "Not only them Menma,Kyo,Haruto and Himawari too"Naruto said

"What?! All of them? By who?! Have you seen the one who kidnapped them?"Shikamaru said

"I bet its Orochimaru again"Naruto said with a cold tone "What do you mean 'again' ?"

The blond groans annoyed "Nara theres not time for me to explain! Get some Anbus! This instant dammit!"Naruto shouted in anger

Shikamaru flinched then nods and started to run towards the Anbu's hiding spot

Naruto walks in to his office and goes to his desk and gets a piece of a birth pill from the bottle,then getting a bottle of water aside from the bottle he began to throw it the pill into his mouth then drinking the water after.

Gulping from the water his eyes met with Sasuke from the doorway eyeing him confused

Naruto took off the bottle from his lips and stared back at him "Naruto..what..are those pills?"Sasuke asked in a worried tone

The blond ignored his question and saw the other females coming in the room "Naruto! Where were you when you left them?!"Sakura asked him angrily it was his fault leaving them

Naruto sighed "i was just gonna tell Hinata that i'll be heading home late tonight"he answered

"Idiot! You could've just told her in the phone- or make a shadow clone! Are you that dumb?!"Sakura said glaring at the man infront of her

Naruto didn't have a choice but just to stay silent.Yea it was his fault,but he didn't expect that Orochimaru was planning something behind his back

And Naruto didn't think of doing a shadow clone for now because he felt a bit exhausted and doing a phone call? He forgot it in his office,but using Menma's phone made him a bit shy to ask because its his sons privacy

So he didn't have a choice just to ran back towards to his house

He then noticed anbus coming in the room and walking infront of him "Lord 7th we were called here,is there anything you wanted us to do?"a guy with a mask asked

Naruto nodded "I want you to explore the forest,if you found a cave report it to me instantly.Orochimaru might be hiding there"he said making the anbus nodded

"And also,dont even think selfishly and just going in to search the kids.Orochimaru has mans in his hands and would order them to kill you,his mans are actually pretty skilled so i suggest for you guys to back away if you saw one of them"Naruto said looking at the anbus

The anbus nodded understanding "Now what are you waiting? Leave! Find the cave and report it to me instantly!"Naruto shouted coldly

The anbus began to walk away and run away and started to search from the forest

"Orochimaru? Why do you think its Orochimaru?"Sakura looked at the blond

Naruto looked back at her and said "Menma,Kyo and Haru wasn't only kidnapped once.They were kidnapped 3 times already"

"t-three?"Hinata stuttered "But now its the 4th,damn that snake is getting smarter and smarter"Naruto growled

The three eyed the pissed blond worriedly,Naruto turns around and looked at the village that was peaceful to see

But Naruto snapped out off his thought when the familiar voice spoke behind him


The blond turned around to see the boy he saw yesterday "Kawaki?"



but here you go(⌒o⌒) got a bit stressed from my pt2 which the deadline is after tmrw,but i wont abondon this book hehe.

See you next chapter!

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