SN;; chapter 7

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"is everyone ready to leave?"Naruto asked-grabbing the 2 bags of clothes and carried it

Meanwhile Karin and three carried the foods,suprised? The siblings were actually so-easy-to-get-hungry

So they needed to bring more foods than they expect.

Karin and the siblings nodded

"Well then,lets go guys.Towards to Konoha"Naruto announced giving off a smile as he started to walk and lead the way while the other four followed him,

Ino wasn't there sinche she left last midnight.She didn't want Sai to worry her so she decided to leave early

"Mom is Konoha huge?"asked by Kyo "yes dear,Konoha is my hometown.And it is very big"Naruto said looking back giving a smile

Kyo smiled aswell while he munched his tomato

"does anyone sell ramen mom??!"Haruto asked with his eyes sparkled in excitement

Kyo gave an disgusted expression

"Yes hon,someone sells and his ramen are the best"Naruto said chuckling

Menma who smiled softky towards the younges and gave him a quick pinch on his cheek

Kyo facepalmed since he was so not a fan of ramen

"Why do you guys even like ramen??"Kyo said frowning "Its because its delicous bastard!"Haru answered

"Haru! Dont say that!"Naruto scolded at the youngest

"but- ughhh"Haru pouted "but why can Kyoishi call me an idiot??"

Naruto stopped on his walking and looked at the youngest then to the middle child "Kyoishi who told you to call your brother an idiot?"

Putting down the bag of clothes as he place his hand on his hips and galred at the raven,

"Kyoishi where did you learn that word?"the blond asked eyeing down the younger

The raven looked away avoing the eye-contact from his mother,he know he was in trouble.

The blonde sighed,shrugging it off "You know what,i'm not in a mood to scold at this time.Lets just go"Naruto said

Getting the bag from the ground as he carried it again and starts to walk

Leaving the sibling dumbfounded,the oldest looked at the younger and gave him a gentlw smack at the head "Seriously Kyo??"

"oww! Why does everyone love hitting me?!"Kyo whines glaring at his brother

"that wasn't even hard stop being dramatic Kyoishi"Menma said rolling his eyes

"As if"Kyo who rolled his eyes too and started to walk and follow his mother once again.

Menma massaged his temples "Lil brat"

"oi you were like that too ya'know?"Karin walked beside him

Menma looked at his aunt confused "You were stubborn just like them when you were around the age of 5-9"Karin chuckled while they walked off together

The youngest listened

"you just matured when you turned 10"Karin said smiling

"But..Kyo is already 10,why isn't he maturing Aunty?"Menma asked "Mom is already tired of working this hokage thing,and Kyoishi makes it more bothersome"Menma sighed

"I heard Naruto was like that when he was younger ya'know?"Karin said

"I know that aunty,you td me that a thousand times"Menma frowned

"Well its not my fault that Kyoishi is acting like that.Kyoishi have more Uzumaki blood than an Uchiha,Menma"Karin explained

"Yea..i guess"Menma said

"C'mon we're actually almost there in Konoha,cheer up cub!"Karin ruffled the ravens hair making him giggle

They continued to walk and walk until they finally saw the huge gate

The three siblings eyes widen in shock,mouths were hang open when they saw it.Haruto felt his hear jump in excitement "is this our other home?"he mumbled

"Okay everyone we're here,i would like you guys to stay beside me okay?"Naruto said

Karin handed the othwr plastic foods to the siblings making them confused "i'll take my leave blondie"Karin said

Naruto smiled back and nodded

"Aunty where are you going?"Haruto asked th older "Aunty needs to go to work"Karin said

"i thought you'll come with us Aunty?"Kyo asked "Some things i need to do Kyo,your missing me too much eh?"Karin teased the younger while she pinched his cheek

"no i dont! You're imagining things!!"Kyoishi said pouting and glaring at his aunt

"Yea yea,well i'll take my leave.Take care cubs and you too Naru"Karin waved for goodbye and walked away

As they couldn't see Karin from their sight.Naruto then puts on his cape and walked towards the gate while the three followed behind,

Greeting the guards and thanking them for guarding the vilage.

"no worries lord 7th!"the guard said smiling

"lord 7th if you wont mind me asking,who are these kids?"the other guard asked suspiciously

"ahh- this- these three are my friends kids and i need to babysit them thats all ha-haha"Naruto said giving out a fake laugh

The two guards eyed the three siblings suspiciously but letted them in the village.

Naruto sighed "Well that was close wasn't it?"the blonde looked back at the three smiling

"Well then Menma,Kyo,Haru welcome to Konoha village.Your second home!"Naruto announced to the three smiling happily

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