SN;; chapter 2

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Naruto packed up all his stuff and cleaned up his mess that was all on his desk,he took the doll that was now sewed

He looked at the clock "9:32pm..i have time i just need to get there atleast 10"he mumbled

"Shadow clone jutsu!"he made a clone and said some instractions to him go what to do when he spends time with Himawari

The shadow clone nodded and left the office "all we need to do now is.."he sighed while smiled softly "Haru,mama is coming home"

..meanwhile at the Uzumaki household..

Karin brought some tomatoes and some ingridients for the ramen,they were gonna celebrate Haru's 7th birthday

She received messege from Ino thats she was on her way to the house,she just took long because Inojin didn't want to sleep.

"auntie!"Karin turned around and saw Kyo the middle child,he looked very much of Naruto but instead of blonde hair he had black hair just like his other siblings.

Kyo was 10 years old he was energetic and a lil devil in Karins eyes,this kid was a troublemaker "Kyo? Do you need something?"she said looking down on him

"yea! I heard from Menma nii-san that okaa-san called earlier? Does that mean kaasan is coming home?!"Kyo said smiling widely

"shhh.. Haruto will hear you,but yes he is coming home so is your aunt Ino"she replied this made the younger smiled excitedly

"Now now,can you set the table for me?"Karin gave a smile

"of course!"Kyo said,raising his hand and controlling his chakra to make the plates and spoons and forks float in the air and placing it on the table.

The Uzumaki siblings has unlocked 2 elements which is Lightning and Wind,Menma and Haru had unlocked both of these except Kyo

"Nii-san! Nii-san!"a tiny voice were heard from the hallway,revealing Haru the youngest followed by the oldest sibling Menma

Kyo turned around and greeted his younger brother "Hey Haru!" "Hi nii-san! Nii-san look what i drew!"

Haruto walked towards to Kyo and pulled out a paper from his back and showed it to the older.The paper showed 6 people in the picture Naruto,Ino,Karin,Menma and him

"Wahh!~ this is good baby bro! Nii-san is soo prpud of you!"The older ruffled the youngers hair making him giggle

But the smile on his face turned into a frown "Hey Nii-san"Haru pouted

Kyo hummed in response "Do you think mama will come home today..? Haru miss mama.."Haruto sulked as he looked down

Kyo felt a pang on his chest,he still remembered that their mother missed Haruto's birthday last year it even made the youngest lock himself in his room

The older softly smiled poked the youngers cheek "of course he will!~ Kaasan promised right??"he said

"You think so?"Haru looked up to his brother

"Do you think kaasan would break that promise Haruto?"Menma spoke walking towards the two

"Kaasan has never broken a promise to us even once,it was just an accident last year Haruto.Kaasan was exhausted but atleast he still came home just for you hm?"Menma said patting his brothers shoulder

"Mmm..true!"Haru said giggling

They heard a chuckle and saw Karin infront of them "Hayyy..~ Menma and Kyo when did you two grow up so fast?~"Karin said chuckling

"huh? What do you mean by that auntie?"Kyo looked up to her confused

"Well you two have been behaved these past few days,and the way you talked Haru just now just made you guys look like matured"she said smiling

"Eh?! Why online Menma-nii and Kyo-nii?! How about Haruto! Haruto Uzumakii!!!"Haruto whined,pouting

This made the three laughed "baby! You're still a baby boooo~"Karin pinched Haruto's cheek

Karin sees Sasuke in Haruto,he very looked like him.Black eyes,Black hair,pale skin and his very skilled towards kunais.Haru was more like a pure blooded uchiha,but not his personality he was also a troublemaker just like Kyo

Menma was like Kyo,blue eyes,black hair and whiskers on their cheek.Kyo had 2 whiskers while he had 3 just like his mother,but his personality is more likely Sasuke calm and respectful towards elders.Menma's blood was 50/50 Uchiha and Uzumaki making him the most strongest than the two

Knock knock!

"i'll get it"Menma said walking away and going to the main door,he opened the door and saw Ino infronth of him

"Hi baby bear!"Ino smiled happily and gave Menma a big tight hug "a-auntie- cant b-breathe!"The younger struggled from the grip

"oh!"she broke the hug and laughed nervously "sorry sorry- is Nar-" Ino was cutted off

"auntie!!"Haruto and Kyo screamed and ran up to her and jumped and giving her a hug

"oh hello there cubs! Oh god you guys have gotten heavy!"Ino said smiling and returning the hug

"auntie!~ we missed you!"Haru said smiling happily "I missed you guys too! Its been months since i have last seen you three! My poor babies!"she said

"Hey pale as whiteboard! Brought any cake or cupcake?!"Kyo said grinning evily

Ino rolled her eyes "Disrespectful brat as always your just like Boruto no wonder why you two are brothers"she said

"eeh? This is how Boruto talks?"Kyo said looking at her "Mm yes sometimes"

"back to topic!! I want cake! Give me cake old women!"Kyo shouted making Ino sighed and letting them down

Ino turned around and flinched when she saw the blonde picking up the box of cake "Hey Ino what flavor is this?"Naruto smiled chuckling when he saw her reaction

"chocolate of course"Ino returned a smile

Naruto nodded and peeked and saw his sons who now gave a big smile when they saw him "Kaasan!"

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