SN ;; chapter 21

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The three began to pack their clothes and puts it on their bag while sulk,

It was hard to go—they wanted to stay longer and go make more friends while they learn new things and of course—spending time with their mother.

Naruto leaned onto the wall.Crossing his arms and legs as he watched them pack

He was nearly crying because they'll be leaving now,he wont see them again for awhile which makes him sad

"Mama are we really leaving today?"asked Haru who walked towards over to the blond

Naruto nodded "You guys need too"

Haruto began to pout and started to whine "but i dont wanna!"

The blond sighed "Haruto inside voice,you guys will come again in another time okay?"he said—Haruto stopped whining and looked at him with a big smile

"When? When when when?!"he asked while he jumped up and down with his hand clenched into a fist

"We can go back here again kaasan??"Kyoishi walks beside the younger

Their eyes were sparkly and wide.Naruto looked down at them and chuckled "I'll think about it"he said

"ehh? Why not now?!"Kyoishi frowned

"Oi Kyo,Haru stop whining over mother.You guys haven't finished packing up yet"The oldest—Menma glared at the two

The two groans and glared back to their older brother.Then the four head a doorbell


Haruto raised his hands and ran over to the main door "I'll go get it!"

The young raven twisted the doorknob and opened the main door and saw the female raven Uchiha

"Sarada-nee!"he shouted smiling widely "Hey there Haru"Sarada ruffled his hair

She then saw Naruto walking to her way "Uncle Naruto"she greeted

"Sarada? What are you doing here? Its already late too"he asked confused "ahh! Well..i just wanted to give this"the female handed a plastic of tomatoes and ramen cup noodles

The blond took it and smiled "Thank you the three would love this"

"Ramen!"happily screamed by Haruto.Sarada chuckled to the youngers cuteness

"Is that all you came here Sarada? Is there anything you need?"He asked

Sarada began scratching the back of her head and blushed "w-well..since..the three a-are actually leaving...i-..w-would love to say goodbye to them from the gates.."she said

Naruto eyes widen in suprised but gave a soft smile after "I wont mind that"he replied

Sarada looked up and smiled "really? Great! Where is actually..Menma and Kyo?"

"Sarada!!"Kyo ran from the hallway and called out for her while the other raven followed behind by just walking

"Sara! What ya doin here?! Eh?? Tomatoes!"Kyo looked at the older then to his mother and notixed the plastic of tomatoes

"Sarada bought those for you guys"Naruto said handing him a piece of tomato

The raven took it and took a bite as he smiled "Thanks Sara-nee!"

Sarada smiled back "No need to"The blond watched the four talk.He then turned around the oldest "Menma are you guys all pack up?"

Menma looked back at him and nodded "Yes mom,are we leaving now?"

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