SN;; chapter 5

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"Are you out of your mind?!"Karin shouted glaring at Naruto

The red-haired Uzumaki drangged his cousin outside the house while the other blond followed worrying the two

"What do you even mean?"Naruto asked,he was tired he didn't want to have an arguement now "Naruto! Konoha! Konoha fucking village- is literally the dangerous fucking town!"she said

"I know i kno-"the blond was cutted off "Did you forgot that Orochimaru is literally watching your and theirs move?!"Karin yelled

"Karin calm down-"Ino who was between the two decided to step in and calm the both.

"No! I am not!,and what if the three saw Sasuke?! Their father!"Karin whispered-yelled from the end of his sentence to be careful to not make the three hear her,

"its not like Sasuke would recognize the three Karin"the blond crossed his arms glaring at her "You do know that jerk is literally dumb when it comes to faces"

"but still- Naruto!"

Naruto sighed "Its decided,i am taking them out.They are my kids,i am their mother.I dont want them to be trapped here forever Karin,Please."he said

Karin eyed him out,the thin silence stood there for a minute.Ino was just watching the two,

"Fine"she said-Naruto's eyes widen,lips turning into a big smile "really?"

"i dont wanna repeat it again Naruto,but you better protect them"Karin said

Naruto nodded "of course 'ttebayo!"

"but one thing blondie"Karin looked at him again,arms started to cross too

Naruto looked back at her,raising his eyebrows as he listened carefully

"Make them stay away from Boruto,Sarada and Himawari.Put Shikadai in the list,you do know Nara's hm?"Karin said

"ha? Why are you making them stay away from them?"Naruto said confused

Karin sighed "It'll get complicated Naruto,do you want them to be in trouble too?"

The blonds lips-pursed "right"

"but..what if they accidently talked to eachother?"Ino said

The Uzumaki's eyed her "I'll keep my eyes on them"the blind answered

"but how long would they stay there?"Ino said,she knows that if they stay long there some of the villagers would be suspicious.Since the weren't seen in the village before,

"About- maybe..a week"

Karins attention came back to the blonds again "excuse me what?

"a week,Karin"Naruto said "Are- are you fucking insane? I already accepted to make them go in konoha- but for a week Naruto?!"

Karin said,groaning after this was just stressing her too much

"Naruto maybe not a week? We dont know what the future holds,what if they are founded by Orochimaru's mens?"Ino said

"I'll make sure they wont"Naruto said

"I want my kids to experience school,training and..maybe friends"Naruto said

"What about-"

"I'll order the three to avoid their half siblings and the Shikadai"Naruto answered

"Kyoishi is too stubborn to follow that rule"Karin said rolling her eyes

"It depends to who came from the order,Kyo obeyed me everytime.And i'm sure he'll follow"Naruto said

"The two?"Ino asked "Menma would avoid them,Haruto is a type of person who's shy one if he meets other people"Naruto said

"Now i answered your questions,may we go in? Its late.I need to take the three to bed too and wash the dishes"The blond said,groaning

The two female chuckled "I'll do the dishes"Ino said "And i'll take the three to bed,get some rest Naru"Karin said-smiling softly

Naruto stared at the two then smiling after "Thank you,you guys"

Karin patted the back of the blond "Get some sleep,Mother Uzumaki.Tomorrow will be a long day!"Karin said

Naruto-giggling and smiling "Yes miss"

The three gets inside the house,Karin taking the three to bed.Ino cleaning the dishes and,Naruto going upstairs.

Taking a step in his room,flopping himslef onto the bed as he smiled happily

"Yea..tomorrow will be a long day.."he mumbled

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