SN ;; chapter 25

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Menma spitted blood out from his mouth as he looked up tiredly to the new guy who came,Did Himawari didn't sensed him?

The raven winced in pain when the guy injected him once again.He was collecting some blood and a bit chakra from him,

What were they planning? Why do they want to capture them?

"Ugh!"He winced when the guy made hand signs then hitted his stomach—he had enough then glared at the older "Whats..your problem?"he said

The guy sighed "So Naruto didn't gave you the kyuubi,i see"he began to shook his head

"What?"Menma looked at him confusely "why would you even think mother will give that to me?"he said.The guy looked at him "Isn't it obvious? You'll be the next jinchuriki"

"Thats impo-"

"You're and Uchiha and Uzumaki,a powerful child between Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha.You know that right?"The guy said

Menma eyes widen "What do you mean Uchiha! You're talking nonsense"he said.The guy infront of him laughed

"Naruto really didn't told you? Its obvious you're and Uchiha.You are pale,you have dark hair and mostly you have Sharingan"The guy said grinning widely "Which made you special"

Menma eyed him then looked away,he knows that him and his siblings does a bit look-alike the older Uchiha.But his mother never said anything but—he was only inlove to that one Uchiha

He never told their father name which mads him a bit curious,all these years his now finding out.But he figured it out that..Their father doesn't know that they are his son,

"Oh no did i made you sulk? Pathetic"Menma snapped off his thoughts when the guy spoke

"Fuck yourself"Menma said glaring at the guy who frowned "Wow when did you learn to curse hm? Thats a bit disrespectful"

Menma rolled his eyes.He heard the guy sighed then began to take some items from the table,he took a knife

The raven looked at him feeling his heart beat fastly.What is he gonna do?

"Maybe..a bit fun?"The guys said grinning widely as walked towards the younger who was chained up from the chair

"No— get— get away from me"Menma stuttered,he was scared.A knife? Was he gonna get stabbed?

The guy ignored him and began to kneel down and pull up his leggings and—

The raven screamed in came when the guy stabbed his leg.The eyes from the raven began to water whwn he felt the knife

He tried to stop his tears and man up but he couldn't since thw older stabbed it aggresively.Which weakened him a bit

He began to sob "Stop!"the guy ignored him and began to scratch his legs using the knife,the ravens legs was bleeding out

Menma gritted his teeth trying to not to scream "Stop.."He sobbed "It hurts.."

"I thought you were stronger than that,Menma"The guy stood up and faced the younger "Lets see if Orochimaru really said you were strong as he thought"The guy began to raise his arm with the knife in his hands

Menma watched him in fear,his heart pounded hardly.He tightly shutted his eyes,he was gonna die today.

He waited himself to get stabbed but not until when he heard something fell from the floor,he slowly opened his eyes to see the familar boy he talked yesterday.

"K-kawaki?"He stuttered.The boy nodded and turned around to get the keys from the unconscious guy that was on the floor

When Kawaki got keys he unclocked the pudlocks and release him from thw chain which made him feel relief,

"You okay?"Kawaki asked.The raven looked up and sighed "Yea..thanks.."he replied

"How did you know that i was here?"Menma asked looking at the taller boy who helped him get up "I followed the 7th.I heard you were kidnapped,i couldn't just leave you here after you made me feel better yesterday..Ya'know?"Kawaki said

Menma blinked a few times and smiled softly "Thanks"but his eyes widen "Have you seen the others? My brothers-" "They're fine their in the other room"Kawaki cutted him off

When they began to walk,Menma winced in pain when he felt a sharp pain from his injured leg.Kawaki turned around to him

"I'll carry you"Kawaki said.Menma looked back and waved his hands as he shook his head "No no im— hey! Let me down!"Menma said hitting the ravens back but was ignored

"Look you're injured,maybe just stop being a tsundere"Kawaki complained "Ha?! Who said i was you bastard!"Menma glared at the boy

They reached the room then gets in to see the others "Niisan!"Kyoishi yelled

"Hey"Menma said smiling softly to his younger brother who stood up quickly and ran off to him,he gets off Kawaki's back and hugged back his younger brother while he was still getting held by Kawaki incase if he fall.

"Menma-nii! You're injured!"Haruto said in horror looking at the olders bleeding leg

"Dont worry i'm fine"Menma said smiling at the younged "No you're not!"Sarada glared at the older and walked towards to him "Sit down"Sarada commanded

Menma raised his eyebrow confused "My mother is a doctor damnit"Sarada said rolling her eyes.The older raven chuckled in embarassment and sat down on the floor

Sarada kneed down and began to heal his wound "I'm not very good at this,but i'll try my best okay?"Sarada said eyeing the older who nodded

Himawari walked up to him and kneed down to see the wound "Sorry..."she apologized feeling bad.The older raven raised his eyebrow "Why are you sorry Hima?"

"Sorry..i didn't sense the other guy.."Himawari said looking at the older,Menma smiled then caressed the youngers hair "Its okay its not your fault Hima"he said

Himawari stayed silent and nodded.They then heard a thud from the back,they saw Kawaki getting pinned from the wall

Groaning and getting chocked by the guy earlier.The guy turned around and grinned "Thought it was over?"He said

Everyone eyes widen in shock and frozen to their spot.Sarada began to hug Himawari and activate her sharingan incase the guy attacked

The guy punched Kawaki in his stomach then hitting him towards the wall making the younger spit blood and passed out,

Boruto glared at the guy "You bastard! How dare you!"He gritted his teeth

The guy from earlier turned around to see the blond "Eh? A blond Uchiha?"He said grinning

"Perfect"He mumbled

When the others watched him grin.They saw him fastly ran towards the blond—

Menma needed to move.Forcely standing up quickly and walking fastly in speed just to make in time—

He gritted his teeth and ran more fastly so he can go infront the blond.

All he knew is that he felt a big and sharp pain hit his stomach.Did it go through his stomach?

Spittling tons of blood out of his mouth as he got stabbed by the guy,Menma knew that he successfully protected his brother.

He was glad.

Now all the work..will be on..


Kyoishi,i'm trusting you.

Menma dropped from the ground.Closing his eyes slowly,tears came out from his eyes " hurts.."he mumbled then
blacked out.


AhHhh so— uhm well daym

Yup goodnight.

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