SN;; chapter 11

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The same sound rang the whole academy making the whole students cheer as their break has finally come,

The kids rushed to the door while the others talked while walking,

Meanwhile the brothers came together and exits the classroom.Them making way to the outside of the school as they waited for someone

Looking around the giant school they finally saw the person they were waiting- Ino

The ravens grinned happily and walked towards to their aunt and give her a peck on the cheek,Ino who greeted them back and smiled

They didn't noticed that the other kids were watching them behind which was Boruto,Sarada,Shikadai and Inojin

Four of them decided to follow the three since they were very suspicious.

Making their way and walks towards them,the blond women noticed his son

"I-inojin? Hello honey"said Ino who smiled softly

"Kaasan,who are those kids? You guys look pretty close"Inojin commented eyeing them

Ino froze not knowing to say,she sures she needs to lie for now " and their mother are friends ya'know? Sorry i couldnt tell you"she chuckled

The young Yamanaka nodded still not agreeing as if he didn't believe to his own mother,

His mother doesn't lie ever.So it was very confusing if he should believe his mother now but since she hesitated to answer it was hard to believe that she was telling the truth.

The raven brothers didn't made eye contact to the others since they were ordered to avoid them for their safety

Boruto suspiciously eyed the three as if they were somewhat dangerous

He began to sense their chakra which made him flinch and step back.Gulping as he felt ther fear eating him up

These three had an intense chakra dark and powerful it made him speechless

Sweat began dropping down from Boruto's forehead but he did feel a familiar chakra to them but he soon shrugged it off since he was getting nervous

Looking away the blond walked away as if nothing happened but he was sure to spill tea to his friends later on,

Him leaving his friends making them confused

Sarada who stared to the blond that was walking away until he was nowhere to seen

The female got worried towards him since he was very quite today ever since he saw the three other raven-haired brothers.

Sighing once again she looked back at the three who avoided her contact,she began to walk away just like the blond did

Inojin following her behind as he waved from his mother for the last time while he gets in the school again

Shikadai was left alone with the other four

He did felt nervous when he was around the three he knew the brother were weird and..powerful

What'd you expect to the Nara's? They were clearly the most smartest shinobi in Konoha

The young boy felt a shiver down his spine feeling the chakra that was close to him.Staring at them for the last time he then puts his hands onto the pocket and walks away

Ino and siblings sighed in relief "that was close"said Menma

"Very- but it looks like Boruto and that other boy already sensed our chakra"Kyoishi added

"Yea! I saw them flinching at the same time- niisan was i showing my chakra too much?"Haru asked

Menma looked down at the younger and smiled a bit "Yes you were,were you flexing your chakra to them Haru?"

The youngest grinned shyly "Uhuh.."agreeing the question from his older brother this made their aunt laugh

"Haru baby i would suggest to not flex right now okay? Especially infront of them"Ino said

"We're glad that Sarada didn't sensed it or else she'd say it to her father"

"ah- aunty may i have a question?"asked Menma that was looking at Ino

The older nodded as she listened carefully while she wauts the younger speak

"I have been thinking this guy since this morning, do you this guy named Sasuke Uchiha?"said Menma

The two listened carefully to their converstaion carefully,they were very curuous at this man since they've heard the surname whenever their mother told a story to them.

The female frozed on her spot-how did they know? Where?When? And how?

What was she gonna tell them?

Menma waited for her to answer as he raised his eyebrow "Aunty?"

Ino snapped from her thought and eyed the three while she laughed nervously "ha? Ahh! Haha! S-Sasuke Uchiha? Uh..uhm his- Sarada's father and my and Naruto's close friend!"said Ino

"Kaasan's close friend?"Kyoishi said

Nodding to the question "Yea..Its your mothers close friend..uhm a very one"said Ino

The silent roamed to them but was cutted off by the raven "Is that Sasuke Uchiha cool?"asked Kyo

"yes"answered by Ino.The young raven grinned widely "i would like to see this Sasuke Uchiha guy!"Kyoishi shouted clenching his fist and raising it up to the air

They didn't notice a guy walked behind them

Black hair that was covering his other eye,black coat,pale skin and black eyes

The man eyed them and said "Is there anything you'd need from me,kid?"asked Sasuke

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