SN ;; chapter 27

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The old raven closed the door as he left with his daughter leaving Haruto in the room sleeping when he found out whats happening now

Sasuke sighed feeling relief.He knows its already that those three that he met and was with him today..was his sons,

The one that Naruto raised by did he found out? Easy peasy,they have black hair and pale skin and they had the sharingan which he saw about a day ago while he was in a fight

He groans in frustration.How did he not know sooner? (you're blind just like Adrien Agreste)

While he was going around the world and sometimes visting Sarada and Sakura.He didn't know that the blond was struggling by himself

He sighed "Tousan?"he heard his daughter speak.He looked down to her and raised his eyebrow "Is it true?"she said

"True what?"Sasuke asked "Is it true that Menma can only live by around 9-13 percent?"The young female raven began to tear as she said those words

Sasuke eyes softened while he felt a pang onto his heart "All we can do is..pray Sarada"he said walking away and leaving the crying raven

He couldn't face his daughter.He doesn't want to see her tears nor hear her sobs,he'll feel weak and will blame everything to himself

He doesn't wanna see her for now,

Not now when he is crying.

He walked towards the red-haired female that was facing her back from him.He tapped her shoulder which made her turned around

Karin raised her eyebrow "Sasuke-kun?"she looked at him confused

Sasuke looked at him "I know everything.Now explain the whole thing at the very start"he said.Karin eyes widen when she knew what he was talking about,she didn't have a choice but to tell everything to him.


"Kyoishi can you calm down for a sec?!"The blond yelled to the raven who was angry and making a mess

The young purple-haired girl hugged her mother getting scared to the older.Hinata caressed her daughters back just to make sure she doesn't get scared too much,

The two watched Boruto tried to stop the other young raven from throwing random things around the house

Boruto had enough.He walked towards the younger raven and aggresively holded the ravens shoulder

"Kyoishi! Stop!"The blond yelled glaring at the shorter male

After a few minutes of silent,Boruto felt sharp scratch on his eye.He winced in pain

He fell back to the ground as he holded his other eye and groans "Boruto!"Hinata shouted worriedly and runs towards to his son

Himawari also followed behind as she began to worry for her older brother.Kyoishi was acting strange,not jumpy not happy and not even smiling.

"Ouch.."Boruto mumbled as he puts away his hand from his eye and saw bliod coming out.

Did Kyo scratched him with a kunai? But..he wasn't holding anything....

He slowly looked up to see the younger raven.His eyes widen when he saw Kyo's nails it was sharp,his whiskers were darker.His eyes were flaming red

It was the same thing he feared on when he went from the past with his uncle.It was the same as his father

Boruto steps back as he felt fear eating him.Hinata looked at his son worriedly,she stood up and glared at Kyo who looked back at her then glared deadly

"How dare you lay a hand to my son!"she yelled in anger "I never think that you'll act up like this!"she said crossing her arms

"Okaasan...H-his brother i-is t-that can b-be a reason wh-" "It doesn't matter! He has no right to act so immatured!"Hinata cuts off her daughter

A person came in the living room which is Kawaki "Whats all with yelling? I was sleeping from the other room"he said groaning

"You!"Hinata pointed Kawaki "Dont you have a respect atleast to be not rude?!"The hyuga was angry at this time.She couldn't hold her anger

Kawaki raised his eyebrow confused,looking at the ground and saw the blonds eye was bleeding "What..happened here?"he said

He looked at the other boy who was standing infront of the Uzumaki's.He felt a huge chakra surrounded the young raven,which made him step back and let out a kunais in his hands

Kyoishi turned around to see the older boy and gave a death glare.His eyes began to activate sharingan

The boy growls in anger.His teeth sharpened,he was loosing control.He wanted to KILL

Kyoishi fastly ran to Kawaki's direction and jumped then raised his arms to scratch the older raven,gladly Kawaki didged it and jumped from the other direction

This made the younger made a big scratch on the wall.Kyoishi growls feeling himself annoyed,

Hinata felt herself alert and puts her hands to her childrens shoulder and began to walk fastly and get out from the living room.

Kyoishi saw them leave which made him growl more "Who said you can leave from my property?"A dark and deep voice was heard from the younger

Everyone felt shiver down to their spine when they heard him spoke.Was the young boy got controlled by Orochimaru?

"No one,right?"Kyoishi said again.Running towards to the Uzumakis he raised his arm once again as he made his nails sharper once again

The three shutted their eyes quickly in fear.But opened it again when they heard a thud

They looked and saw Karin standing infront of them.and saw Kyoishi laying on the ground,the chakra that was roaming around his body dissappeared.His nails became thin and clean,his teeth wasn't sharp anymore.It was his original form

"Sorry..about that"Karin said sighing,eyes softening to the younger raven

"Kyoishi really acts like this whenever his frustrated or Angry.Please excuse that"Karin said—she began to carry the younger on her back

She hands some first aid kit to the women "Here,this can heal the scratch"she said

Hinata nodded and taking it "Thank you"she replied to her

The red-haired female nodded and began to walk away and go upstairs to the youngers room to put him in the bed

As she puts the younger in bed,she puts the blanket on top of him as she kneeled down and caressed Kyo's hair

"I know life is getting tougher, but atleast go easy to them"she mumbled

Karin stood up and left the youngers room.Kyoishi's eyes fluttered open tiredly,his tears falling down to his cheeks

"Cant easy to them....when they didn't...go easy to...Kaasan.."he mumbled before falling asleep again


Btw thank you for the people who supported me i very appreciate it!😤❤.Now thats all for now

See you at chapter 28!

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