SN;; chapter 4

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Everyone was now on the table while they sang Happy birthday to Haruto,Naruto who lighted up the candle and sang

Haru smiled happily blowing the candle,the others began to clap and giving the younger a kiss

Kyo who was grinned evily.Raising his hand and making the cake float in thin air "This cake is mine! MWAHAHAHA!"he shouted as he ran

"eh?! Who said its yours! Hey give it back!"The youngest glared at his brother

Haru did the same and snatched the cake from his brother "Today is my birthday so this is MY cake!"Haru yelled with anger

Sure,his brother was nice but he's evil

Kyo looked back and growled,activating his sharingan "Oh yea?!"

Naruto was dumbfounded,what the heck was going on? Menma who sighed as he watched the two activate the sharingan and fought because of the cake.

He can feel that something will happen any minute,and that is..

The cake fell from the ground

Making a mess

Menma who pursed his lips-his mother Naruto didn't like those kind of things.Yea his mothers room was a mess from the past but when time flies pass,Naruto grew annoyed when it was uncleaned so he decided to be more tidy

The eldest can feel the dark aura beside him 'oh holy tomato,i'll pray for your asses.Im outta here'he thought while he walked away quickly

"ah shit mother mode...alert!"Karin mumbled even the two female was scared of Naruto when he gets mad,he was strict and scary.His punishements are terrible

Naruto was like the 4th hokage's wife Kushina Uzumaki,kind and loud but scary as fuck when she and he gets mad.

The blonde faceplamed when the cake fell from the floor,he gave a 'are-you-fucking-kidding-me?' to the two kids

Making Haruto and Kyo felt a shiver from their spine

'Oh god tomato have mercy and save me from my mother'Kyo prayed in his thought

"You two.."The blonde spoke making everyone snapped away from what their doing and look at him.Naruto gave a cold stare to the two

"you better clean this up,or else"

The two siblings didn't hesitate and ran and quickly cleaned the mess

Naruto sighed "This is troublesome-oh you gotta be kidding me,now i'm turning Shikamaru?"he groans

He sighed once agai,closing his eyes- feeling his other clone taking Himawari to bed,he can feel his body exhausted.Who wouldn't when you needed to do two things in one time

"Mom!"Haru shook his mother gently

Naruto opened his eyes to see his youngest son smiling up to him "Mom,are you staying home for awhile?"he said

The blond thought for a minute "Ah..about that,i planned to go for us to go somewhere"he said smiling softly

The ravens eyes sparkled "ha?! Really?! Momma are you serious?!"he said

"Naruto where are you even bringing them? You do know its dangerous for them to go out"Karin spoke up

Naruto looked back at her,speaking "Maybe-just once in awhile.I cant make them stay here forever,Karin"

Ino looked at the blond worriedly "But,where are you even taking them Naruto?"

By not answering the question afterwards,he heard the two oldest came in the kitchen again

"Mother,i heard we're going somewhere?"Menma said curiously

Kyoishi who jumped in excitement as he wiggled his eyebrows and saying "OH YEA! A FAMILY TRIP!!".

"Naruto?"Karin snapped the blonds out of his thought,Naruto then took a deep breath


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