SN;; chapter 17

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The past few days was great for the three siblings.Them and Sarada would hang out often after school and would eat meal,

Sarada gotten close to the older blond too which made Boruto uncomfortable-As if you know Naruto really loved Sarada as his own daughter.The young girl reminded him to someone important


Sighing when he founded out today was his daughter's 7th death anniversary,she died 4th day when she was born

All Naruto know her daughter was sleeping at the same bed as Haruto-when he touched the small child he couldn't feel her breathing

The small girl just suddenly stopped breathing he didn't know why,Karin managed to save the both but the other one needed to die

Whats the cost? Orochimaru the snake.The guy ordered his members to injure Naruto who was still pregnant at that time,

A guy pushed the blond very hard to the wall which made him bled.But he didn't worry himself-he got worried to his children

He screamed for help then Karin came and was shocked when he saw Naruto.He called Kyoishi and Menma for a bit help to make him get up

Karin injected the blond a sleeping pill that was liquid by now-this made Naruto fall asleep,then the red haired girl gave him a surgery

Gently pulling out the two babies out of him-the other was crying but the other one was quiet.This made Karin panic

She tried her best to save the baby boy-and he was glad it started breathing and crying,she saved them she was happy.

But just after a few days,the baby girl died.

Looking back from that memory heard his heart ache.It hurted him-who wouldnt? When the baby you carried for 9 months died

Naruto sighed and stood up and walks away from his office just to see the young Uchiha when he opened the door

"Hi uncle Naruto!"she greeted

The blond gave a soft smile and greeted her back "Sarada,hey"

"Uncle Naruto..uhh..are you going somewhere today? Mom and dad are very busy at this time and..i dont actually know what to do?"Sarada said looking down as she played her fingers

Naruto patted the female's head and ruffles her hair "you can come with me and the three"he said

Sarada looked up to him and smiled "i'd love too! What time should we go?"she said

Naruto chuckled "i was just about to leave,do you need anything else?"he asked

The younger shook her head "alright lets head to their house hm?"he said offering his hand to the younger who accepted it and holds his hand

The two exits the Hokage building and goes to the house where the three lived

Making their way there-they saw Karin walking at the same direction.Naruto began to call her out "Oi! Karin!!"he raised his other free hand and waved

The red-haired Uzumaki turned around and waved back "Yow Naru"

The two fasten their walk and goes beside her "uh..hey Sarada,why is she with you?"she asked

Naruto smiled "She's coming with us,Sakura and Sasuke are busy so i decided to tag her along"he said

"but-" "she knows no need to worry Karin"he said

Karin looked at the younger that smiled at her awkwardly,she decided to smile back.

Reaching the house closer they found the three outside and was already in their clothes waiting for them

They walked closer to them and greeted "Afternoon kids"said Naruto

"kaasaaan!"Haruto shouted and smiled happily

"Hey cub no kisses to aunty??"Karin pouted as she crossed her arms.The youngest giggled abd ran uo to her and gave her kisses on the cheek

Sarada watched the younger with a small smile on her face

"Sarada-chan!"Kyoishi waved "Hey kyo"she greeted back smiling "Kaasan is Sarada coming with us today?"Menma asked

Naruto nodded "Yes"

"Lets eat ramen after then!"Haruto suggested smiling happily

The blond nodded "alright alright.You guys are ready yea? Then lets go"Naruto said turning around and goes to a different direction

Letting go the youngers hand and began to jumo trees to trees while the others followed him behind

After a few more jumps he then lands down to the ground,sighing then opening his eyes as he saw the grave.

The others landed down and saw the familiar grave "Harumi"the youngest gave a soft smile

Sarada eyes widen when she saw the grave-she then walks towards to the oldest and whispered "Not to sound to be rude..but who's grave is this from?"

Menma looked back at her and said "Its our sister,Harumi"

The femals raven 'oohed' when she got the answer

She watched the blond kneed down infront of the grave and touched it.Sarada then heard the sobs coming out from him,she felt guilty

The others stared down at Naruto as they made him have his moment there for a minute.They know how much Naruto suffered when Harumi died

After a few minutes the blond stood up straight -hearing the sigh from the older.He turned around and you can see a puffy red eyes,red nose.He must cried too much

But he still returned a smile to them "So yea um Menma,Kyoishi,Haru do you guys want to greet her?"he asked

The three nodded walking towards the grave and them pulling out flowers from their jacket and putting it on the side of the grave

Naruto looked at them and stared.He turns around to the Uchiha as he tilted his head "Would you like to say a 'hi' to her?"

The female raven flinched and felt a bit awkward for a moment-she shooked her head "n-no thanks...i'm sorry if i sound rude.."she said

Naruto chuckles "no need to apologize"

Karin walks towards to the grave and put a teddy bear beside the grave while she smiled "Hello angel,its been a long time"she said

As the four sat infront of the grave and talked to it whike they smiled

Naruto and Sarada watched them with a smile in their face.

After an hour spending their time there they decided to leave and give Harumi a goodbye and would see her off again by next month,

Looking back again the blond lastly smiled at his daughter grave as he bowed "Be in piece,Angel"he said before jumping to trees to trees once again while the others followed behind.

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