SN ;; chapter 24

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"Lord 7th! Lord 7th!"a yell from an anbu was heard,he was running towards the hokage

The blond turned around as he focused to the young man with a mask on "Lord 7th,we found the cave—we also checked the surroundings and we found a man hiding in the tree"He said

Naruto nodded "Lead us to the cave"he said,the anbu nodded and began jumping to roofs to roofs while the others followed behind

Kawaki also followed behind,Menma felt special to him even if they only talked once

After a few minutes they arrived and was closed by the cave that was only a few meters away from them.The blond looked at the others anbus who was clearly spying the cave and the other being very alerted,incase someone attacked

Naruto jumped down from the tree and walks towards the cave and saw another guy jumping down from the tree,he gave a cold stare.

"Wheres my son?"he asked the guy who had red hair and was grinning widely "Hmm? Which son are you talking about?"the guy said

The others watched the two talk,Naruto cleared his throat trying not to be suspicious towards his wife and the others

"Wheres..Boruto and..Himawari?"He eyed the guy who grinned once again "Ahh! Boruto and Himawari your other kids! Right! They already escaped as you can see,Menma let them free by themselves.Maybe even sacrificing himself just for the five"The guy said

Naruto began to glare to the guy "You bastard..Stop playing and give my children back!"His teeths started to sharpen and whiskers began to darker,his eyes began to flame red from the anger "Or..I'll kill you here"he raised his arm and pretended to slice his neck "Right now"

His nails were began to grow.He wont hesitate to kill the people inside this cave,they were the enemies in his eyes

If he find out some of them have a small scratch in their skin or a blood came out from their body,he'll go rage and no one can stop him.

"Naruto,calm down"he heard Sasuke speak behind his back.He turned around and glared at the raven "You dont own me,Uchiha.So dont even try to command me or control me"He scoffed "Bastard"

Sakura came down and goes beside his husband and looked worrily to the blond,the Hyuga also came down and looked at his husband who was beganning to release his anger

The blond turned around again and eyed the guy "I'm tired of you guys ruining my life,i'm tired of losing my kids"He said

"Cant you guys leave us alone?"Naruto said

"Well well well"Ororchimaru came out from the cave as he clapped his hands and looked at the people around "Naruto-kun,its been long"

Naruto's eyes turned to see the snake,he glared at him "Orochimaru,where is my kids?"he said

Orochimaru chuckled "The others are too selfish to leave their oldest brother,but who knows? They dont even know that they are related to eachother"Orochimaru said grinning

The three looked at the blond confused.Related? What does Orochimaru mean?

The raven began to laugh while he still eyed the blond who was flaming in anger

Wiping his fake tears he spoke "Haven't you told them? Gosh Naruto-kun! You're good at hiding eh?"He said

"what? W-what does he mean Naruto?"Hinata said looking the blond who faced his back to her "Naruto? What is Orochimaru saying? What kind of hiding?"Sakura asked

The blond stayed silent.Which made the three feel more suspicious towards to him,

"Narut-" "The three are blooded Uzumakis"Hinata was cutted off by Orochimaru

The two females eyes widen "What?"Hinata said,she looked at the blond

Naruto frowned and turned around to see his wife "Look Hinata—I can expla-" "Y-you cheated?"she said

"No-" "Why?"

"Hinata let me explain—" "Naruto how could you!"Sakura glared at the blond

"I knew there was something off when the 0three came!"The pink-haired female said

Naruto began to groan,he was getting stressed which made him a bit weak.

"But its more susprising that the three are also blooded an Uchiha"

Now this is where Naruto began to panic

Sasuke turned around to see the blond who was avoiding the eye contact "Naruto what does he mean Uchiha?"he asked looking at him shocked

Naruto looked up to him then turns away once again "L-lets discuss this later please?"

"Narut-"The raven was cutted off when a painful yell was heard inside the cave

All of them turned around to face the cave "Menma?"Naruto mumbled.He then began to galre at Orochimaru "You snake— what the fuck are you doing to Menma?!"he shouted

Orochimaru grinned "A bit experiment,Naruto-kun"he said

"You fucking bastard—"Naruto ran towards the raven but was stopped when he was pushed back by a large wind attack which made him him flew and hit his back from the tree

He groans in pain.A bit of blood came out from his mouth, "Shit..did i really got hitted that bad?"he mumblwd wiping the blood

"Lord 7th!"an anbu came down from the tree and helped the blond to stand up "Are you okay lord 7th?!"He asked

Naruto looked back at the anbu and facepalmed "I got hit and hitted my back pretty badly,and i'm bleeding.Do you think im okay?"the blond said

The anbu flinched and looked away in embarassment,it looks like the blond was too angry to be nice now.He cant blame it,

Sakura,Hinata and Sasuke turned to look at the blind worrily but Naruto gave a sign that he was okay which made them glad.They then turned around to see the person who hitted Naruto,

Sasuke eyed the clothes he was wearing—it was the same clothes he saw and wore from the past.Long and dark witj a design of red clouds on it

He looked up and saw 6 people who came out from the cave as they grinned widely when they saw him.The ravens eyes darken

Naruto walked towards the middle—Kawaki and the anbus came down the tree and stood beside the three adults

"I guess our battle begins here"Naruto said activating his sage mode and glaring at Orochimaru and his mans "Orochimaru"


Fuuuuc— Its getting more hard to writeee :(( I MOSTLY FORGOT THIS PARTTT ACK—

Ignore my mistakes,author-chan is a lazy like a cat hwehe.

See you next chapter!

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