SN;; chapter 9

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As soon their mother left them,they were now left alone in the house

"We are freeee!"Kyo cheered jumping in happiness.He was out from the boring house that he was in for years!

He smiling happily thinking what he would do tomorrow "hmm..should i flex my wind style?"he mumbled

"Show them your floating thing nii-san! You're an expert to that!"Haru walked infront to him and smiled excitedly

"Nice one Haruto! Maybe show them your lightning-dance!"Kyo suggested

Haru nodded happily agreeing at the idea

Menma who just watched the two stood between them,eyeing up and down head to toe.He raised his eyebrow and asked

"why are you two are already in pajamas? Its only afternoon"Menma commented

Kyo turned around and stared back "why'd you care? Your style is too plain Nii-san"he facepalmed

Menma chuckled "As if yours aren't"

"Ha?! My styling aren't plain! I always take an hour to find good clothes!"Kyo shouted glaring at the older

"yea yea,hours you said.Maybe hours in taking bath but still smelled nothing afterwards"Menma said grinning

The youngest 'ooohed' as he watched the scene

Haru love watching the eldest and the midle child fighting,the two were intense when it comes to arguement.

No one can stop them except if its their aunts and their mother,

Haru took a step back making a distance from them incase if he gets involved.

"You- WELL YOUR TASTE IN FOODS ARE DISGUSTING!"Kyoishi growls in anger

"Atleast its food,how 'bout you? You eat soap do you lil dumbass?"Menma said as his grin widen

Kyo clenched his fist in anger.Feeling his face heat up from embarassment

Haruto eyed the two enjoying the show while he giggled quietly.

"I- I HATE YOU!"Kyo shouted gritting his teeth then walking away leaving Menma and Haru alone

"ooooo~ niisan! You clicked his temper onii!"Haru said laughing after

The oldest chuckled "Childish,little brother"the raven ruffled the youngers hair and walked towards the living room to watch tv.

Kyo who locked himself in the room while he mumbled and taking out his anger from his brother

While,the youngest ate some tomato soup that his mother made

A normal day from their own household.



"SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL!"Haruto's voice echoed the house

It was early in the morning,having a nice sleep and enjoy their dreamland.Not until the youngest began waking them up yelling the same word every seconds,

Menma sighed "Haru please keep it down its 7am in the morning"he said

Since he was the oldest he has the responsibility to takw care of the two and behave them.

While Kyoishi was resting his head down the table as he continued to sleep,leaving the tomato soup getting cold beside him

Menma stared at him and sighed he the pinched the youngers waist to wake him up

The raven flinched and winced in pain "What- what was that for?!"Kyo shouted glaring

"The tomato soup is getting cold Kyo"Menma said pointing the bowl of tomato soup

Kyo eyes widen then looked at his bowl "No! Not mothers cooking! I am so sorry my fellow tomato loves!"Kyo said dramatically crying

Menma rolled his eyes from his dramatic brother

"niisannn! School!"he was shooked by Haru who was now grabbing his arm

Menma looked back at him "Lets wait for your brother okay?"he smiled

Haru pouted but soon shrugged it off

Menma then took out the paper from his jacket pocket and looked at it again,

Analyzing and looking the directions that they should be going.

after a few minutes waiting Kyoishi finish,the younger then putted the dish into the sink and leaving there.

Menma and Haru stood up from the main door

"You ready?"Menma asked the Kyoishi who nodded when he asked him "Uhuh! By the way how should we know where are we going?"he asked

"mother left an map and sticked it on the fridge"Menma showed the paper to his brothers

"Nicee! Lets go then!"Kyoishi said ranning off the house as he left the two behind

"Oi! Kyoishi!!"Menma grabbed Haru while he locked the main door then hiding the keys,

Menma jumped between the roofs as he carried the youngest in his arms.Following behind his other brother Kyoishi

The eldest can feel himself getting annoyed by his behaviour,but he needs to calm down.

Jumping roof to roof he saw Kyoishi landed down from the last stop,he then followed him and hopped down the sae spot but beside him,

"Niisan aren't i a genious? We dont need map! Ya'll need me!"Kyo said smiling proudly

Menma facepalmed him and gave out a "Yea"

The three siblings stared at the huge school that was infront of them.

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