SN;; chapter 19

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Sarada makes his way to her team "Oi"she waved making the thre males turned to look at her "Sarada! Where were you?"said Boruto

"With your father"she replied "Ha?"Boruto raised his one eyebrow

"But we didn't see you there? We just saw him by himself if you want us to recall"Konohamaru said

"Well before that- i was actually watching you guys by the tree"she said "andd what were you doing there?"Boruto asked

"Isn't it obvious? It was a coincidence baka"she rolled her eyes,crossing her arms

"Stalker!"The blond pointed the raven while he fake gasped "I am not!"she glared at the boy

Mitsuki watched the two fought again.This made Konohamaru sighed "When will you two ever learn?"he mumbled

Back to Naruto who walked with the three towards to the hospital where was the boy taken away "Kaasan,waht are you gonna do with that guy?"Kyo asked

"Things and maybe planning something,it looks like he didn't really have a nice life"he said

"Why'd you trust him so easily? If he comes with you while you take care of him— he can betray you anytime he wants Kaasan"Kyo said crossing his arms

"I'm aware of that"he said walking in the slide door as he goes to the counter to ask the room for the boy

He then goes to the room 78.The blond knocked at the door as he didn't got any responses—he twisted the doorknob and gets in slowly.He saw the boy was sitting on its bed while je looked at the window beside him

Kawaki notices him and turned around giving him a glare "Do you need anything?"

"Woah woah calm down Kawaki,you're in a safe place"Naruto said smiling

"why did you even bother bringing me here? You dont even know me you strange old guy or how 'bout i say the Hokage"Kawaki said

Naruto rolled his eyes "Well thats kind of rude.Its really hard to get your trust eh?"he said sighing

The three ravens at the door also gets in the room while they still have their masked on which makes their face not shown.

Kawaki noticed the three but he eyed the boy with the bird mask.He was interesting

"Oi hokage,who are these strangers?"Kawaki asked "Ah their my nephews"The blond said

"Tch like i'd care"Kawaki scoffed looking away

The four facepalmed.He literally asked and his acting like that? This kid is bipolar

"some genins will be taking care you"Naruto announced looking at the younger who turned to his gaze

"And if you attack them..i'll seriously give you a lesson,got it?"Naruto said giving a shiver go down to the three siblings spine.

Kawaki rolled his eyes once again and ignored the olders talking

Naruto sighed "Well i'll see you guys later on"the blond looked down to the ravens "And you three go get home and get some sleep.The sun is already going down"he said

The siblings gave a nod "Get some sleep too Kawaki"the blond looked at the boy who completely ignored him after

Naruto shrugged it off and started to walk away from the room leaving the four,

Kyoishi looked at Kawaki for the last time before they started walking away and going to a different direction.

While they reached their room after a few minutes—they get in.Taking off their shoes and changing their clothes to pajamas

Haruto goes to his room to play with his fire people figure,if you are wondering what are those.The young boy would do the fire jutsu but a small way—

he can make them small and make them look like a person who walks around,Haruto loves doing this everytime its night.

When he first did this trick he almost burned the whole house down which made Karin scold him and give him a harsh punishement,

Meanwhile to Menma and Kyo who was sitting in the living room and watching some cartoons together

Kyo looked at his brother "Oi niisan"he called out t for him,Menma turned and look at him

"What?"he asked confused "That Kawaki guy looks like his interested at you,the way he looked at you is different the way he looked to me and Haru!"Kyo said

The older raised his eyebrow "Whats going inside your head again Kyo? Thats nonsense ya'know?"Menma said

"Ehh! Doesn't matter! I saw it wi— hey! Dont just ignore me you stupid!"Kyo shouted at the older who gets upstairs and ignored him completely

Kyo scoffed and crossed his arms "I wonder what is mom planning to that Kawaki"he frowns

"If he ever betrays mom i'd kill him in one spot"


Short chapter short chapter!

Sorry guys,i'll try to make the next chapter longer!.

Btw thank you for 1k reads i very appreciate it!💕 see you to the next one!💗

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