SN;; chapter 13

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The parents meeting started-Sasuke and Menma talked while the sensei was discussing,the two tried to get to know eachother.They felt there was a connection

The young raven didn't noticed that his mother was now looking at him

The blond glared at the boy who was paying attention to the older Uchiha.While the other two siblings didn't looked at them but they did hear the converstaion between the two

Back to Naruto-Hinata began to worry towards her husband since he wasn't paying attention and was just staring at the random kid.

She patted Naruto's shoulder which caught the blonds attention-he turned around to see Hinata "Yes Hinata?"said Naruto

Hinata gave a concerned look "Naruto-kun is there something wrong? You've been staring at the kid long enough"said the purple-haired wife

The blond gave out a smile to his wife "I'm fine Hinata you dont need to mind me,the boy was just interesting thats all"he said

Hinata nodded turning away and pays attention to Shino what he was saying

Naruto looked at his wife for the last time and then started to pay attention to the meeting



When the meeting finished every parents began to leave the classroom with their kids while they talked,

Naruto talked with Boruto awhile for some things he has terribly done in his school for this last few weeks-skipping classes,making a rumour and cheating on a test

The older scolded the young Uzumaki while the two female watched the father-and-son fought

Hinata looked at Sasuke who was talking with the unfamiliar raven that she hasn't seen before-she walks towards to the two and greeted "Hello Sasuke its been awhile"

Sasuke looked up to see the female and replied "Hn"she felet a bit awkward since she didn't really get along with the Uchiha well.

Especially when they were young.Sasuke would give her death glares whenever she stared at Naruto- she knew Sasuke liked the blond from the past

She was suprised when Naruto end up aith her an not Sasuke,she also heard a rumour that a villager caught the two kissing in the middle of the night.It was a big issue to konoha from the past

Snapping out of her thought she began to speak "Hello there,its nice to meet you the names Hinata Uzumaki"Hinata offered her hand to the young raven who looked back at her

Menma looked at the women that was now infront of him he then reached out her hand and shyly shooked it "Uh..Menma Uchimaki.."

Hinata smiled "how old are you Menma?"she said.The Uchiha was jist watching the two talk

"I'm 15 Hinata-san"answered by Menma

The women nodded "Ahh so you're 3 years older than Boruto then-are you two friends?"she said

The raven shook his head "Sadly no,i dont really talk to peopls that much"he said

"ah is that so? Well- Oh Naruto-kun"she was cutted off by the blond walking towards to them "Hinata! I see you're already talking to him"said Naruto

Hinata looked back at his husband and asked "Why? Do you two know eachother?"

Naruto nodded "Yea his my friends eldest son,they'll be staying here for a week"he said

"they? Theres more?"asked Hinata

"Uh..yea he has two younger brothers which is behind you.Kyoishi and Haruto"the blond answered

Hinata turns around and saw the two ravens who was staring to them.They're hands were holding onto the seat-with they're eyes opened widely when they were noticed

"oh! Hello there"Hinata greeted them with a smile.Sasuke turned around to look at them too it was the same kids he saw earlier,

The youngest hid himself into his brothers shoulder trying to not make an eye contact between them.While the other just avoided the eye contact and looked away

"Oh..a shy one aren't they?"said Hinata who chuckled "You"she pointed Haruto "you'd be great friend with my daughter Himawari"she said smiling

Haruto peeked from his brothers shoulder shyly looking up to the older-he began to admire her beauty but he knows that he still likes his mother beauty more.

He then looked at the side to see the small girl that was a bit taller to him.He'd guess this was Himawari,his lips turned into a shy smile

Which was noticable towards the adults-this made Naruto chuckle from his son cuteness

"Hey um Hinata,you wouldn't mind them eating in our house dont you? Boruto,Himawari?"Naruto looked at them

Hinata gave a smile and shook her head "i wont mind Naruto-kun.I think it'll be great for them to spend time eachother"she said

Naruto sweat-dropped since that wasn't his plan,his plan was to make the boys avoid their half siblings but he guessed it was a failure.

Sighing "Well then,lets pack up everyone?"Naruto clapped as he smiled

Everyone nodded-taking their stuff and standing up and goes to their seperate ways.Naruto just hopes they wont get suspicious towards to the three

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