SN;; chapter 20

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"You two stop playing around!"Menma said with an annoyed tone in his voice

Haru and Kyo was giggling and teasing eachother while they walk towards the academy beside their brother

"Ehh? Niisan you jealous?"Kyo grinned widely

Menma rolled his eyes "Keep dreaming ottoto,now stop playing or else some of you might get hurt"

The two youngers scoffed to his comment "Leave us alone~"Haru sang

"Yea yea! Leaveee usss aloneeee~"Kyo continued and began singing together

The oldest sighed ignoring the two and began walking more faster than the two as he left them

Menma goes in the room not wondering where the two are,

He walks towards to his seat and sat beside Sarada who greeted him

"Hey Menma,wheres the two?"Sarada asked the spiky-haired boy "Left them on their own,they were too loud"Menma frowned

Sarada chuckled "You're the older brother you should have responsibility for that"she said

"Nah"Menma rested his chin on the table as he began to zone off by just staring at the blackboard that was few inches away from him

He then got snapped off when he heard his younger brother yelled out for him

"NIISANN!"Kyoishi yelled while running towards to the older who got confused

the younger then clinged up to him "Niisan! Bad news! Shii— i done pretty bad!"he said

Sarada looked at the younger in concerned "what happened Kyo?"she asked

"Sarada-chan! Ah..uhm.."he couldn't answer because he was to unsure to say it

The other students was all attentioned over to Kyo who was still clinged onto his brother

"Kyo? What happened?"Menma asked but in a really serious tone which made Kyo flinched "Uh..uhm..niisan..Haruto's mad.."he said

Menma facepalmed "And? You can ha—" "No i cant! Its like the time where i broke his toys when he was 4! He's completely mad niisan! I dont wanna die!"Kyo shouted

The older felt himself panic "Are you sure his mad Kyo? What did you even do?"

"Yes! He is surely mad! Uhm— i accidently killed his spider! It was an accident ya'know?!"Kyoishi explained

"spider? Why would y—"he was cutted off when he felt the familiar chakra he felt 3 years ago

"NIISAN!"Kyo tightened his grip towards the older—The students felt shiver down their spine when they also felt the strong chakra

Boruto flinched from the chakra from the door if their classroom "Hey Menma guy— what kind of...boy is your brother—"he asked the older and eyed him

Menma pursed his lip "Dangerous"

The two freezed to their seat when the younger spoke "Niiiiisan?"

Oh tomato Kyoishi just wanta to dissappear from the world and never come back.He knows his dying today

Everyone looked at the boy who was hanging down his head—they saw him get something from his pocket.

A Kunai

Not an ordinary kunai but that kunai really resembles the 4th hokage's

Haru slowly hang up his head slowly and slowly.Then he opened his eyes slowly and slowly,then glared at the one person with his oldest brother.Uzumaki Kyoishi

"Target locked"he mumbles.He began to activate his sharingan which made Menma panicked

They're gonna be exposed—

"Haruto?"a guy talked behind the younger,the raven snapped out of his thought and turned around to see the blond

Naruto blinked a few times.Why was Haruto holding the kunai he gave him?

"Mama!"screamed by Kyoishi,the blond looked up to see the other raven who was clinged to his older brother

Whispers began to roam the room since they heard Kyo screamed the HOKAGE as 'Mama'

Naruto pursed his lips and gave a cold stare to the younger who flinched again "U-uh i meant— Uncle Naruto!"Kyoishi shouted

"Yes Kyo?"Naruto replied raising his one eyebrow "You're our saviour! Please stop Haru!"Kyoishi said

Naruto nodded and kneeled down to the younger raven who looked back at him "Honey is there something wrong?"he asked caressing his cheek

Haruto looked down and started to sob—he ran to the blond and hugged him tightly

Naruto looked at his son worriedly

The students eyes softened when they watched the older tried to make the raven better

"Haruto what happened?"Naruto asked the younger who was sobbing

"Nngh..n-nissan killed a-aki!"Haruto said completely sobbing

"Aki?"He got confused but remembered the pet that was Haruto has been taking care for a month.He looked up to glare at his other son

"Kyoishi"he said coldly "It was an accident! His spider was walking around!!"Kyo said pouting

"we will talk this at night before you guy go"Naruto said giving a glare to the boy

Kyoishi smiled awkwardly—Sarada raised her eyebrow "Before they go? What do you mean Lord 7th?"asked Sarada

The blond sighed while he caressed the youngers back and stood up carrying him "The three are going back to their home later at night"He announced

Sarada eyes widen "Eh? But its only been a week?"she was gonna miss the three

"Its too dangerous for them to stay here"Naruto said

"But i still dont wanna go!"Kyoishi said staring at the older trying to use his puppy eyes "You cant stay here any longer Kyo"Naruto said

"but!—" "No buts,its your last day.And you are leaving"Naruto said coldly

Kyoishi sighed in defeat "Fine.."

Naruto eyes softened,he felt bad.He knew that if they go back to their real home—its rare to see them once again which saddens him,but he didn't have any choice

The world for the three was too dangerous.


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