SN;; chapter 10

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The Uzumaki's stood there as they stared the school- Not until they heard a sound of ring which made them flinch from the unfamiliar sound they heard

Seeing the kids who were walking earlier fasten their feets to walk quickly towards the school

It made them a bit confused why they were in a rush but then they shrugged it off and gets in the academy,

Making their way to the building they noticed the familiar fluffy hair which goes to the person they met yesterday- Boruto.

The three were behind him and was following him since they didn't know where to go

But they agreed to not talk to the blonde if he noticed them,as they continued to follow him behind they saw a boy approaching him.

The boys hair was hanged and his clothes were green,he had beautiful eyes that the three adore.They can guess that this boy was a sharp one

The unfamiliar boy came to the blonde and they began talking without noticing the three.They felt relief comse to them

Follwining the two they then saw them go in to a door which they guessed that this was the room they might be learning,

Feeling their heart jump in excitement as they gets in the room while hearing some kids talking that might be their future friends.

As they walked in the talkings from the students stopped and began to silent

They started to stare the three with a confuse facial expression the others then began to whisper to eachother while they stare them

The three ravens feel themseleves tremble they weren't used to see people this much since they were trapped from their house,

But that didn't stop Kyoishi to step in and say "Ayow!"

The two other ravens gave him a 'are-you-fucking-kidding-me?'

When Kyoishi noticed their expression he rolled his eyes as he turned around and showed himself to the class

Grinning widely as he pointed himself with his thumb then yelling "The names Kyoishi Uzumaki! 'ttebane!"

The oldest sibling eyes widen-they weren't suppose to say their surname which their mother remind him or else everything will be doomed

Menma then walked beside his younger brother and covered his mouth while he smiled awkwardly,

"Ah he meant K-kyoishi uh.."Menma started to speak but was cutted when he didn't know what he'll say for their surname.

'C'mon Menma think! Think something! Uzu..Ha! Uchimaki!'

Snapping off his thought he then turned around them and say "He meant to say Kyoishi Uchimaki! Haha! Funny lil brother!"Him patting the back of the younger

Kyoishi raised his eyebrow from the sudden scene that happened

Licking the olders hand made Menma remove it quickly and gave out a disgust expression which made him laugh

"What the tomato Kyo?!"the raven said

The younger rolled his eyes and started to go closer to him and whisper "Why did you need to change our surname,niisan?"

The oldest sighed and whispered back through his ear and said "Our identity needs to be hidden so aswell as our family name"

For the first time-the younger raven nodded and understood to not be childish at this time which made the older raven relief

As soon as Menma was about to speak he was cutted off by the older sensei who just came in the classroom with a book in his hand,

Menma closed his mouth and stood there silently while he stared at the sensei who stood behind them and sat on his seat.

"Hello there and i would think that you guys are..the kids that the 7th brought here yesterday?"said sensei

Haruto making his way towards to his siblings and staying beside his brother nodding aswell

"Well then..Menma,Kyoishi and Haruto you three are very welcomed in my class.But one more thing is- i dont see your surname written here"the guy pointed out on his paper

"so i would likely ask.What is your family name or maybe clan name?"

"Uchimaki sir"said Menma who after answered the question from the guy

"Uchi..maki? Never heard that surname before or- even seen it on a clan book? Are you guys somewhat a newborn clan that was only newly built?"asked the guy

Kyoishi grew maybe annoyed since the guy was asking too much question.He just wanted to sit down and maybe make some friends

Menma hesitated to answer rightaway but after the silents filled the room-he began to speak again

"Our clan is a newly built one so it'll be not very known,our mother..would be the leader which is named..uh..N-Naruko Uchimaki"

His two younger brothers jaws were hanged open when he spoke and gave a confused expression,but soon shrugged it off since he was saving their asses.

"I see well then,you guys may sit.Menma please be seated beside Sarada Uchiha,Sarada raise your hand.And the two of you"he pointed out the two youngers

"please sit in the middle between Shikadai and Boruto,Boruto raise your hand"said sensei as he checked some paper

Not hesitating the three inhaled-exhaled for a bit before they turned around and saw the hands were raised up.

They then walked towards the raised hands and sit beside them,they promised to eachother to not make an eye contact to them,

The oldest raven sighing as he sit down from his seat felt the female stared at him suspiciously,made him nervous ahile his sweat came down from his forehead

"You look so much just like the 7th,are you sure you aren't related to him?"asked Sarada

Menma cleared his throat and turned around to make an eye contact with her,giving out a cold stare and saying

"I would say i do not,and i am not very sociable.So maybe dont talk to me"

The female raven-haired scoffed and turned away to talk with the other female who was beside here.

Staring down to the two who was sitting between the Nara and Uzumaki he watched them talk to eachother while he admired the view,

But they stopped when the Nara spoke to the youngest who was beside him

"Hey you look familiar"asked Shikadai who was now looking at the younger suspiciously

Haruto pursed his lips as he felt himself nervous because,how would he know? Its obvious he wouldn't be known as the hokage's son since he doesn't look so much to his mother.His face was very different

"You look like the hokage's partner,Sasuke Uchiha"said Shikadai who stared down the younger

"Oi Shikadai why is my father being in the topic?"said Sarad who glared at the Nara

Shikadai looking away from the younger then to the female "Its just a question Sarada,no need to overreact"said the Nara sighing

The Nara and the Uchiha continued to talk,Boruto and the female friend of Sarada listened

Menma began to get curious to the Sasuke Uchiha,he knew he heard the Uchiha somewhere else.Red eyes and raven he knew those his mother talked about those when he was young

Telling him that there was an Uchiha a powerful one.

Black hair,paled-skin just like the snow,pointed nose and a death glare each time you stared at him.And of course the red eyes,

Feared by nations

His mother said him that he fought to this Uchiha guy,he was his rival.A big rival and someone very important to his heart

Sighing again this wasn't an important topic but he would definiently ask his mother od his aunt about this Sasuke Uchiha guy,

maybe this guy was cool and powerful he'd love to train with him


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