SN;; chapter 3

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"Kaasan!"Kyo shouted smiling happily ranning up to him and gave him a tight hug "hello baby"Naruto said kissing the youngers cheek

Menma walked towards to his mother and did the same "Kaasan i missed you"tightening the grip to his mothers he felt warmth "I missed you to Menma"he chuckled

Naruto looked at Haru who just stared at him and was frozen.Menma broke the hug and looked at the youngest "Haru? Wont you give mama a hug?"Naruto spreaded his arms

Haruto began to pout and sob as he ran towards to his mothers arms "Mama! (╥_╥)"he cried making Naruto chuckle returning the hug and caressing his head.

"Hey hey calm down honey mama is here dont cry shh"Naruto said

"m-mama..i thought- y-you weren't g-g-gonna come!"Haruto said sobbing between every word that came out from his mouth

"Mama promised Haru that mama will come to his birthday,mama was excited to come and celebrate with Haru 'ttebayo?"Naruto said chuckling "Wahh!"Haru continued cry

"HARUU STOP CRYING I WANT MY CAKEE!"Kyo who yelled from the kitchen,Haruto snapped out of his thought and calmed down his older brother Menma was circling his back

"c-cake?"Haru looked up to his mother "Mmm cake"Naruto smiled

"w-what flavor?!"The excitement through his voice was obviously shown "Chocolate baby,say thank you to auntie Ino okay?"Naruto said caressing his sons hair

Haru nodded smiling.Naruto stood up and carried the younger boy,walking towards the kitchen while Menma followed behind

"Naruto! You're here!"said Karin "i have all the things you said an hour ago"

The blonde smiled "Thanks Karin"

"Mama,are you gonna make Ramen?"Haruto questioned when he saw the ingredients from the sink

"Yes bub now how about you and your brothers play for awhile? While i make the tomato soup and ramen Mm?"He said putting the down the younger

"Tomato..Yucky! Bleh!"Haruto commented and making a disgust expression making Naruto laugh "HEY! Tomatoes aren't yucky Haruto! Ramen is the yucky!"Kyo said glaring at his younget brother

"Ramen are yummy! Bleh!!!"Haru said taking out his tounge as he teased his older brother that was on the table "Why you-!"

Kyo jumped off the table and chased Haru who ran away "Oi!! No running at the stairs! Haruto! Kyoichi!"Yes Kyo's full name is Kyoichi Uzumaki

Naruto sighed and turned around to his oldest son "Menma honey,can you look out for your brothers?"Naruto said smiling

"On it kaasan"Menma said smiling as he walked away "Hmm why do i feel like Menma is maturing so much"Ino commented

"True,that kid was a troublemaker when he was younger wasn't he?"Karin said

"omy! I still remembered when he drew on the walls! Then Naruto became a mother mode! Haha!"Ino said laughing with Karin

"omg yes i rememebered that!"Karin laughed.The blonde rolled his eyes and smiled,he took the apron that was hanged and takes off his hokage cape and hanged it.

He then puts on the apron and starts what he was supposed to do,Cooking.


Short chapter! Sorry i'll make it longerr🙈

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