SN;; chapter 15

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Everything was settled-earlier Hinata came in the living room and saw the huge mess was going on

She helped Naruto to calm down the three who accidently summoned their animals

After that Sasuke came in too for help.After that when everything was okay-they decided to go in the dining room and sit on ther seats to eat the food that was on the table

Until they heard the doorbell,Boruto gets off from his seat and walks towards the main door and opens it to see his aunt-Sakura.

"Ah hello aunty"he said closing the door while the pink-haired women gets in

"Hello Boruto,is Sarada and Sasuke-kun already here?"she asked the younger

The blond nodded and leaded the way for her to reach the dining room "Kaasan aunt Sakura is here"Boruto said as he sat on his seat

Sakura goes in the dining room and smiled "Hey everyone!"she greeted which made the two adults greet her back while his husband just continued to eat

"Mama,come sit here"Sarada said as she offered the free chair beside her.Sakura walks towards to her and sat beside her

Looking infront of her saw the three ravens who was eating their food quietly "Oh? New friends Sarada? Boruto?"she said looking at the two

"just met them yesterday and now its a coincidence,they seem really nice to me"said Sarada who ate her food

"Tch the two others are but this one"he pointed at Kyo "isn't he's too mean,isn't even respectful towards to his olders!"Boruto said glaring

"ah? Is that so? Why so?"Sakura chuckled

"He mispelled my name,he called me a girraffe.And i am offended!"Boruto shouted which made Hinata hit his thigh to make him be more quieter

"I'm just saying facts tho!"Kyoishi said looking back at the older and glared back

"The names not Burrito and its Boruto! Stop calling me burrito!"Boruto felt himslef getting irritated by the younger who rolled its eyes

"Now now,you two calm down.We're in the dining table and we should get well eachother"Naruto said

"Starting off first- what are your names? The names Sakura Uchiha"Sakura said looking at the three infront of her

'so this is the mother of Sarada and the wife of Sasuke..'Menma thought

Menma gave a small smile and said "Menma Uchimaki,and these two are my brothers.Kyoishi and Haruto"he said pointing them

The pink-haired women smiled happily "Well its very nice to see you two! You guys..actually kind of look like so much like Naruto.Are you perhaps his nephews?"said Sakura

Menma pursed his lips before answering "Yes we are,our mother is a great friend of his"

Naruto eyed the oldest and sighed in relief,he was glad his son was a quick-headed.

"Ahh..but..Naruto doesn't have..any sister and brothers you know that..right?"Sakura said

Everyone stopped what they were doing and eyed the three ravens suspiciously,this snapped Naruto and the ravens out of their thoughts.Naruto never knew Sakura would be this smart

Menma looked away in panic and started to tapped his shoe which is his habit whenever he panics "A-ah..about t-that-" "Its because i spent time so much to them!"Naruto cutted the younger off

Now the attention was all over the blond "W-well- you guys d-do know that- when y-you spend so much time w-with a person..y-you guys w-would look like so much eachother! Right?"Naruto said

Sarada stared at the older blond suspiciously 'somethings off..'she thought

The female raven thought it would be the best way to help the older, "Right! and Boruto have been spending time alot lately too right? Dont we look-alike? Momma?"Sarada said looking at her mother

Sakura looked down at her daughter weirdly "uh..yea you guys- do look-alike now"she said

Sarada gave a nod and turns around to rhe older blond and smiled

Naruto looked at the younger in shock but smiled back.The three ravens eyed the female 'She's not that bad'they thought

Sasuke who just watched the four stared at eachothed made him feel something a bit off aswell.Was Naruto hiding something? Theres no way he would cheat Hinata right? All those unanswered question roamed around the ravens head.


Time skip

After everyone finished up eating,Hinata and Himawari help themselves cleaning the table aswell Sasuke and Sakura while Boruto rushed up to his room to play video games,

While Naruto who stood up felt a pull from his clothing-he turned around and saw Sarada facepalming and point his thumb from the back signing it to talk privately.

Naruro felt his sweat fell down from his forehead feeling himself panic.The blond then nodded and followed the younger outside

Which the three siblings followed behind too just to check if their mother was fine talking to the female Uchiha,

Naruto eyed down the younger with an awkward smile while the younger kept her face straight.

Sarada puts his hands on her hips and glared at the hokage "Lord 7th,i know you are hiding something.And i would like to know"

Oh how Naruto felt his heart dropped,he cursed himself and the Uchiha's and their damn smart brains.

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