SN ;; chapter 23

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Naruto looked at the shorter male who walked in the room "Kawaki?"

The raven-haired looked up to him "Hokage-sama i have heard that some kids had kidnapped"he said facepalming

Naruto pursed his lips "Yes.."

"Is Menma one of them?"he asked there was something in his voice—a worry tone

The blond looked at the younger male "I..yea..why-" "i am here to help"he cutted the older off

Naruto eyes widen "Ha? Did i hear it clearly?"he said confused,the younger rolled his eyes "Menma...."Kawaki looked away "is my friend.."he said

The blond blinked a few times "when..did you two even talked?"

"Yesterday night,he came to visit"Kawaki said eyeing the older "Whats the reason?"Naruto asked "None of your bussiness"Kawaki replied

Naruto raised his eyebrow looking at the younger suspiciously he then groans "I dont have time for this..Well'll come with us later if the anbus has found the cave that i ordered them to find"Naruto said sighing

Kawaki nodded as he looked around and saw the other adults who looked back at him

"We'll find them,i am sure of it"Naruto said crossing his arms


With the raven siblings

Menma slowly opened his eyes as he heard some voic calling out to him



"Menma!"he snapped off and looked up and saw Sarada from the corner,her arms were tied—He looked around and saw the others were tied too

He tried to move his arms but realized it was cuffed "What the..?"

"Niisan! You doing good?"he heard Kyoishi called him—he turned around to see him and said "Kyo..where are we?"

Kyoishi began to frown "The snake kidnapped us again"He said groaning "Orochi..maru?"

The raven nodded to his brother "What do you mean 'again' Kyo?"Sarada spoke looking at the younger from the other corner

"we were kidnapped multiple times"the younger answered sighing "wait—you're telling me he..he kidnapped you guys?! Like from the past?!"Sarada shouted

"Uhuh this is nothing new for us actually.."Kyoishi said "We know that aunt Karin and kaasan will get us soon as they can"the raven smiled "so dont get scared!he teased the older

Sarada rolled her eyes "As if"

They then heard a door opened from the hallway and some shoutings "Let go of me dammit!"

"You brat stop moving!"a male voice shouted making the other yell more

They looked up to see and saw the blonde and the purple-haired girl "Let go of me and my sister!"Boruto hitted the mans chest who glared back at him,he then unclocked the jaildoor and toss them to the ground making the two Uzumaki's groan

"Boruto! Hima!"Sarada yelled in a worried tone "Damn you! Be more easier cant you?!"Kyoishi yelled angrily to the man who locked the jaildoor once again

"you brats better shut up or else i'll force you to"The man said glaring at the raven who glared back

The man began walking away and leaving them for their own good.Boruto gets up and scratched the back of his head as he groaned

"Boruto! You okay?"Sarada looked at the blond concerned,Boruto turned around and saw her

"Sarada...?! You were captured too?!"Boruto yelled his eyes widening "Duh,you see me here or are you blind?!"Sarada glared at him

"Yea yea"Boruto rolled his eyes he turned around to check his younger sister "You okay Hima?"He caressed the youngers back

Himawari looked up and nodded then hugging him tightly,she felt scared

"Boruto"Menma called out the blond who turned around to him "Does your sister have byakugan?"he asked

Boruto eyed him "Yea she does" he said "Make her activate it and looked around to see how many people are aroumd here this cave"Menma said

The blond nodded and looked down at his sister and explained the situation they are in right now,after a few minutes the young girl nodded and stood up then activates her byakugan.She looked around and counted

"Theres around 6 to 8 people in the cave"Himawari said "the 5 are in a one room while the two are actually in some sort of a club room,while the other one is outside up from the tree"She explained

Menma nodded "Then..we can handle this then"he mumbled

Sarada looked at him "What? No we cant,we dont even know how powerful they are"she said

"What do you want us to do here Sarada? Sit here and wait for help? We gotta do something too"Menma said eyeing the female

The female Uchiha sighed "Boruto check Haruto's leggings he has some item there"Menma ordered the blond

Boruto nodded and walks towards to the youngest who was clearly tied up in a chair.He then bends down and grabs the youngers foot and looked for an item,bingo

He took a kunai out from the youngers leggings that was completely hidden "Got a kunai here!"Boruto said raising the kunai

"Hey! Be careful with that! Thats my grandpa's!"Haruto shouted at the blond and glaring at him,Boruto turned around and apologized

He then began to cut the ropes that was tying the younger,then to Sarada then to Kyoishi.

He walks towards to the other but paused when he saw that it was chains

"Its..steels"Sarada mumbled

"I'll be fine right here,now you guys go and find a way out of here.I'll handle my situation"Menma said smiling at his younger siblings

Kyo and Haru began to sulk "Are you sure you can?"Haruto asked worriedly

Menma smiled again "Of course,now go.Dont waste your time!"he said

The five nodded.Sarada took a hairclip from his pocket and ran to the jaildoor and unclocked the pudluck then began going out while the other following behind

Kyoishi hesitated to go out and turned around once again eyeing his older brother "Niisan.."

The youngers eyes began to water which made Menma feel sad "Go Kyo,niisan will come after okay?"he said smiling softly

Kyoishi sighed and nodded—turning around then began to walk off leaving the oldest behind.

Orochimaru's main target was him.

I know i know its going too fast isn't it? But i know ya'll are excited when Sasuke finds out taht these three are his kids xD

thats your main thing you came here HHAHAHAA

see you next chapter!

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