SN;; chapter 6

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"And- now now! Take a pic idiot!"a whispered were echoed in the bedroom

A click sound was heard in the blonds ear making him groan a bit

"what are you two doing?!"a female whispered-yelled "didn't i told you two to take a shower?!"

"Your mother is tired! Get out there and give him a rest you brats!"revealing the person is-Karin

the two kid who were besids Naruto and taking a pic of him was the two youngest,of course who would you think it'll be?

Groaning again,Naruto slowly opened his eyes

"whats with..all the noise?"the blond said with an annoying tone "why early in the morning..?"

"Mom its already 8am! Get upp!"Haruto shook him "Yea mom! Up up!"Kyo started to shake the older up too.

"you two stop what you are-"Not completing her sentence she called Menma "MENMA! GET YOU BROTHERS ASS OUT HERE,DEAR"

"Tch! Why are you calling Nii-san? Yoi're bothering him soooooo much these days Auntie"Kyo said

Naruto pinched the youngers waist-glaring at him "Dont talk to you Aunt like that Kyo"

"ow! Momm! Dont do that!"The younger pouted "dont give me that trick Kyo,its obvious it wont work to me"Naruto said

"ehhh! Mommm"Kyo started to whine,soon Haruto joined in making the Naruto groan even more.But he was glad Menma came and saved his life

The oldest grabbing the two-pulling them out the room while Karin pinched the youngers ear and shutting his bedroom door.

Naruto then looked up at the ceiling feeling himself relaxed,taking deep breathes.He then stood up from his bed,and goes to the bathroom to take a shower

The warm water ranning-down from his skin,this made him feel his tiredness get out of his body.

He remembered his clone slept in his office,realising his jutsu now made his chakra recover.

He didn't need to worry about Hinata being worried at him since he made a note there and said he was already in his office,

When he finished showering,he gets out of the shower and dries himself up with a towel

Getting out the bathroom and grabbing clothes from the closet then putting them on,

After that he gets out from his room as he goes downstairs to meet the others

"Morning mother"Menma walked up to him and smiled "Morning darling""Naruto ruffled the youngers hair

"Yow Naru"Karin greeted him "Yow Karin"Naruto smiled

"Everything packed up so dont need to worey anything else 'kay?"Karin said

"Tomatoes?"Naruto asked her,rasing his eyebrows

"oh- shi- i forgot- i'll go get some be right back!"Karin said while she began to panicked

This made Naruto chuckled "Forgetful as always"

"Mom!"Haruto shouted from the hallway as he ran up to him and jumping up to him "Mom! Nii-san is crazyyy!"he said

Naruto who carried him raised his eyebrows "your brother has been always crazy,bub"

"i know! But his crazy- crazy this time!"Haruto said

"what did Kyo did now,Haruto?"Menma asked

"Kyo-niisan ate the soap!"the youngest said

Naruto and Menma's eyes widen,feeling their heart stop.They quickly rushed to the bathroom that was near and burst to the door,

"Kyo?!"Naruto shouted

Kyoishi then peeked from the curtains "Oh hey mom!"he said

"you lil-"Naruto putted down Haruto and then pinched Kyo's cheek making him winced in pain "ow ow ow! Mom!!"

"didn't i told you to not eat soap?! Soap isn't food Kyoishi Uzumaki!"Naruto said

"Its not my fault when our soap is red Mom! It looks like a tomato for me!"Kyo exclaimed

"now! Dont act dumb Kyoishi! If i told you to not eat it,Do not eat it? Got it?!"Naruto glared at the younger for the last time

Kyo pouted once again ahile he nods "what do you say?"Menma asked

"sorry..."Kyo mumbled

Naruto sighed "Aunt Karin is getting tomatoes now so dont worry okay? Momma will give you tomatoes if you behave"he said

The frown from Kyoishi's face dissappeared and turned into a smile-nodding after

"whats the fuss around here huh?"

Naruto turned around and see Karins from the door while she holded a plastic of tomatoes

"Oh Kyo ate the soap again"Naruto stooding up and sighing

"can you please not buy a soap that is colored red next time?"Naruto said

"he-Kyoishi! Oh my glasses- yes of course i'll change it"Karin said smiling towards Naruto,while he glared at Kyoishi after

"You two!"she pointed Haru and Kyoishi "Better finish up! We are leaving an hour!"Karin announced

Making the three ravens heart jump in excitement,the two nodded and started to shower themselves

Naruto who exits the bathroom to give them privacy "Kyoishi dont eat the soap okay? And Haruto dont you dare put the soap in your brothers eyes!"he said for the last time as he closed the door

Naruto then walked towards the kitchen as he helped Karin packs their things.

Seconds later he heard Kyoishi screamed his name "MOOMM! HARUTO PUTTED SOAP IN MY EYES!!"

Naruto eyes twitched while sighed "cant i rest even a minute?"he groans walking over the bathroom again and scolding the two

Menma who just watched the scene while eating his tomatoes.


Oop i updated so much today

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