Beyond the Waves

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Inspired by my Beyond The Harbour story ❤️

Jasper Cove was an island Jaemin knew of very well. It wasn't famous because of it's massive fish markets like its neighbouring islands. Jasper Cove was special because of its history with folklore, particularly merfolk.

There was a story of how a young fisherman had overheard a siren's song from the base of the island's highest point- Mountain Peak- according to this tale the man had gotten so curious of the music and invaded the creature's home. Some human remains had been found along with a living mermaid who (at the time) had apparently only lived within the pages of a storybook. Of course the man shared his story and the entire island went to investigate just how much of this tale was true, as you can probably guess they were quite surprised by their findings. The creature was driven from her home and thus in an act of revenge the man was lured to the ocean by the siren and drowned as punishment for his actions.

But that was the old story.

Jaemin was pleased to know that the view those living on the island had on these creatures had changed, as a couple of inhabiners had found themselves harbouring genuine feelings for these creatures. It sounded like something straight out of a fairytale but Jaemin knew better than to believe something like that, especially after his parents were quite descriptive of all the troubles the couples had to go through in order to get their happy ending.

Jaemin stared down at his tail, the pink and pale blue scales sparkled in the glow of the sun's rays drifting through the curling waves surrounding him. The heat made a small smile slip on the boy's lips, his fingers itching to touch something dry. The giggle he let out through his lips coursed over the currents, his body swirled in a circle, tail flapping as it drew up small bubbles of air from the ground below. Jaemin stopped just in time to watch the spheres drift to the surface, before ultimately disappearing in the sun.

"Are you ready?" His Appa's voice pulled his gaze away from the surface. Jaemin's hand shook in excitement as he swam over to the merman who birthed him almost twenty years ago, he threw his arms over the man's shoulders and released the squeal he had been keeping in his throat for this very moment. "I'll take your excitement as a yes?"

Jaemin pushed himself away from his Appa, lips curling at his father's contagious laughter. "Is Dad ready too? I was hoping that we could go before noon!"

"Don't worry I'm here!" the deep voice of his father made Jaemin's body crinkle in excited goosebumps. The young merman squealed even louder, throwing his arms out in an attempt to rid himself of the bubbling excitement in his stomach. "Shall we get going then?"

"I'll lead the way!" Jaemin shrieked. He threw his arms out into a failed butterfly stroke, hoping that the gesture would propel him towards the island faster than if he just swam with his tail. The laughter coming from his parents who remained behind him just urged Jaemin to continue, they were just as excited as he was. This was the first time (technically) that he was going to the surface, this was monumental!

The trip was a lot shorter than Jaemin expected it to be. He knew that deciding to camp half-way between the mainland and Jasper Cove was a good idea, which is why he suggested it to his parents while they were travelling the world's currents a couple months ago. The couple agreed and had even cut their trip short so that on the day of Jaemin's birthday they would be able to visit the long awaited island.

And yet nothing would have prepared the boy for this.

Jaemin's breath hitched in his throat at the sight of the wooden structure that defined the island's harbour, the underbellies of boats greeted the travelling family. The young merman found himself stopping in the middle of the marina, his head twisting and turning in an attempt to take in the sight. He watched through his peripheral as his parents continued on ahead of him, chatting quietly amongst themselves with smiles gracing their lips.

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