Fuck You Dispatch!

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Jeno didn't know what to expect when he was summoned to the head office of SM Entertainment after the release of their new winter album 'Candy'. He suspected that the old man wanted to congratulate him in person for everything that he and his group had accomplished, since it was common knowledge that the man liked speaking to band members individually to offer his well wishing. However, nothing would have prepared Jeno to hear the words that came from the man's lips. 

"As you are aware I have made it my own personal mission to infiltrate Dispatch, thanks to my informant I was able to source the couple they hope to reveal for their 2023 article issue. Unfortunately as they had no opportunity of sourcing a real couple, the media outlet have returned to their old ways and had decided to reveal a rumor. Now, before you jump to conclusions I must remind you that I am already aware of your sexual preferences and your current situation, however, Dispatch does intend to use you in their rumor."

"Sir, you've been preparing us for this from the moment we debuted. Honestly, I'm not that surprised. Because of how well Dream is doing in the charts lately it would make sense that they would turn their attention to us, my only question is... who am I paired up with?" 

"That's the weird thing," the boss announced, slumping in his chair. "we don't know. The female artist is apparently from within our company, but her name has been removed from their records. Can you think of anyone it might be?" 

"Well because of the combinations for this year's SM Showcase I can't help but automatically think of Karina, but as I also did a song with Giselle last year her name could also come up. Apart from those two artists I haven't had the opportunity of seeing any other woman." 

"Well, whoever it is revealed to be it's not a problem, I have already instructed our media team to draft up a statement." The man quickly searches through the mountains of paper on his desk, his lips letting out a celebratory yelp when he finds it. "Now as your name is the only one we are anticipating to be in the statement, we want you to read over it and add any thoughts you want to convey. I must warn you, that in order to protect your image as an idol we won't use your exact words, instead we will convey them through the perspective of the company, at least that way the fans will have an outlet for their rage rather than directing their attack at you." 

Jeno accepts the statement into his hands, eyes quickly scanning through the first paragraph. It seemed like a standard dismissive declaration that accuses Dispatch of revealing false information. Jeno instantly felt relieved. 

"One more thing." The boss clicks his fingers, recalling another topic he had to discuss. "There is the process of compensation. As they are revealing false information we are entitled to compensation for the trouble they could cause for you, it's best to mention that it had an effect on your mental health since you'd be guaranteed more money. This decision is completely up to you and we will do nothing but support you." 

"That really means a lot to me sir." Jeno admits, letting the air in his lungs go. "I was really nervous that this might have gone a very different way." 

"Jeno you follow our rules, respect our staff members and your fans, you love your members and help them out whenever you can. You're a very incredibly young man and had this happened a few years ago then perhaps my answer would have been a little different, but time has moved on and this company needs to move on with it. Thank you for putting faith in me and the team, we won't fail you."

"After everything you did for me when I was getting hounded by phone calls... it seemed right to give you the benefit of the doubt."

"Well in that case is there anything else you would like me to do for you?" The boss wondered, balancing his head on both of his palms. He looked almost like Haechan in that pose.

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